
After looking at a lot of threads, I find it hard to believe that this
cannot be done in Excel or VBA. However, I have seen the comments that
say that concatenate only works on values. I have to ask

I want to CONCATENATE(SetColor(A1,red),SetColor(B1,blue)), where
SetColor is a function to set the color of that part of the
concatenation. Else, if I set the font colors of columns A and B, that
the concatenation in column C would retain the colors of A and B.--
1scant's Profile:;userid=31635
View this thread: it. Functions don't do formatting...

This can be done using an event macro. Put something like this in your
worksheet code module:

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Dim nFirstCellChars As Long
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Application.EnableEvents = False
With Range(quot;A1:C1quot;)
.Item(3).Value = .Item(1).Text amp; .Item(2).Text
nFirstCellChars = Len(.Item(1).Text)
.Item(3).Characters(1, nFirstCellChars).Font.ColorIndex = _
IIf(.Item(1).Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic, _
3, .Item(1).Font.ColorIndex)
.Item(3).Characters(nFirstCellChars 1).Font.ColorIndex = _
IIf(.Item(2).Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic, _
5, .Item(2).Font.ColorIndex)
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

The downside of this is that changing the font color of a cell doesn't
fire an event so you'd need to recalc the sheet in order for changes to
take place.
In article gt;,
1scant gt; wrote:

gt; After looking at a lot of threads, I find it hard to believe that this
gt; cannot be done in Excel or VBA. However, I have seen the comments that
gt; say that concatenate only works on values. I have to ask
gt; anyway.
gt; I want to CONCATENATE(SetColor(A1,red),SetColor(B1,blue)), where
gt; SetColor is a function to set the color of that part of the
gt; concatenation. Else, if I set the font colors of columns A and B, that
gt; the concatenation in column C would retain the colors of A and B.

Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure how to apply it, though. Where do I
put this code?

I hope that there would be enough interest that Microsoft would provide
functions in future releases of Excel that would modify attributes such
as this.--
1scant's Profile:;userid=31635
View this thread: it in the worksheet code module - right-click the worksheet tab and
choose View Code.

In article gt;,
1scant gt; wrote:

gt; Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure how to apply it, though. Where do I
gt; put this code?

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