I have in sheet 1, cell A1 a date which says Jun-2005 (the cell format is
mmm-yy and this date is linked to another diff sheet)
Because the date in cell A1 will change I have driven cell B1 from this cell
with the formula:
=DATE(YEAR(A1),Month(A1) 1,1)
This therefore returns the date Jul-2005
and cell C1 returns Aug-2005 etc etc.
In sheet 2,
Cell A1 = 'Sheet 1'!A1 which returns Jun-2005
Cell B1 = 'Sheet 1'!B1 which returns Jul-2005
Now the issue I have is the next step.
In cell A2, i'm trying to do a formula that will return just '05' therefore
I use the formula:
cell A2 =RIGHT(A1,2) which returns '05'
In cell B2 though, i use the same formula;
cell B2 =RIGHT(B1,2) but it returns '34' regardless of cell format.
Is there a way to make sure this returns '05' as well?
Thanks for your help
- Nov 18 Sat 2006 20:10
date format and the RIGHT function