I am trying create a formula that will calculate commission. I would like a
single formula that will calculate $8.00 for the first 16 sales (sales 1 –
16), $12.00 for the next five sales (sales 17 – 21) and $15.00 for each sale
at 22 or more.
So if I sold 23 units the commission will be $218.00.
The number of units sold will be in cell A1.
Thanks for the help.For what is probably the definitive guide to calculating incremental
commisions, check this website:
Does that help?
XL2002, WinXP-Proquot;JRquot; wrote:
gt; Hello,
gt; I am trying create a formula that will calculate commission. I would like a
gt; single formula that will calculate $8.00 for the first 16 sales (sales 1 –
gt; 16), $12.00 for the next five sales (sales 17 – 21) and $15.00 for each sale
gt; at 22 or more.
gt; So if I sold 23 units the commission will be $218.00.
gt; The number of units sold will be in cell A1.
gt; Thanks for the help.
Another way of putting this is $8/unit, PLUS $4/unit for all units over 16,
PLUS $3/unit for all units over 21:
=8*A1 4*max(0,A1-16) 3*max(0,A1-21)
quot;JRquot; wrote:
gt; Hello,
gt; I am trying create a formula that will calculate commission. I would like a
gt; single formula that will calculate $8.00 for the first 16 sales (sales 1 –
gt; 16), $12.00 for the next five sales (sales 17 – 21) and $15.00 for each sale
gt; at 22 or more.
gt; So if I sold 23 units the commission will be $218.00.
gt; The number of units sold will be in cell A1.
gt; Thanks for the help.
yea I looked at that before and it does not answer my question. I am going
to repost, please do not reply so I can get an actual answer from someone.
quot;Ron Coderrequot; wrote:
gt; For what is probably the definitive guide to calculating incremental
gt; commisions, check this website:
gt; www.mcgimpsey.com/excel/variablerate.html
gt; Does that help?
gt; ***********
gt; Regards,
gt; Ron
gt; XL2002, WinXP-Pro
gt; quot;JRquot; wrote:
gt; gt; Hello,
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I am trying create a formula that will calculate commission. I would like a
gt; gt; single formula that will calculate $8.00 for the first 16 sales (sales 1 –
gt; gt; 16), $12.00 for the next five sales (sales 17 – 21) and $15.00 for each sale
gt; gt; at 22 or more.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; So if I sold 23 units the commission will be $218.00.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; The number of units sold will be in cell A1.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Thanks for the help.
gt; gt;
Well, if you had used the technique at the web page that Ron cited, you
would have come up with:
but since that doesn't answer your question, I'm not sure what you're
looking for...
In article gt;,
JR gt; wrote:
gt; yea I looked at that before and it does not answer my question. I am going
gt; to repost, please do not reply so I can get an actual answer from someone.
- Nov 18 Sat 2006 20:10
Formula for Commission