
I am having a problem with Excel
I put times in as minutes and seconds, and attempt to use the format cell
command and have tried every option under time and custom.
The program keeps reading 20:02 (20 minutes and two seconds) as 10:02 PM,
how can I keep this from happening?

Enter 0:20:02

Kind regards,

Niek Otten

quot;Jakequot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I am having a problem with Excel
gt; I put times in as minutes and seconds, and attempt to use the format cell
gt; command and have tried every option under time and custom.
gt; The program keeps reading 20:02 (20 minutes and two seconds) as 10:02 PM,
gt; how can I keep this from happening?
Thanks, but the problem is this still reads as a time
when i enter values greater than 24 for the first number, it converts it
into military time, and for values less, when i divide by 2 it gives me
incorrect answers because it is still reading it as a time

quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:

gt; Enter 0:20:02
gt; --
gt; Kind regards,
gt; Niek Otten
gt; quot;Jakequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt;I am having a problem with Excel
gt; gt; I put times in as minutes and seconds, and attempt to use the format cell
gt; gt; command and have tried every option under time and custom.
gt; gt; The program keeps reading 20:02 (20 minutes and two seconds) as 10:02 PM,
gt; gt; how can I keep this from happening?

Formatgt;Cellsgt;Number tab, Custom. In the Type box, enter [h]:mm:ss

What are incorrect answers? what's your formula? your input values? your
What's wrong with quot;reading it as timequot;? It is time, isn't it? Am I missing

Kind regards,

Niek Ottenquot;Jakequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Thanks, but the problem is this still reads as a time
gt; when i enter values greater than 24 for the first number, it converts it
gt; into military time, and for values less, when i divide by 2 it gives me
gt; incorrect answers because it is still reading it as a time
gt; quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:
gt;gt; Enter 0:20:02
gt;gt; --
gt;gt; Kind regards,
gt;gt; Niek Otten
gt;gt; quot;Jakequot; gt; wrote in message
gt;gt; ...
gt;gt; gt;I am having a problem with Excel
gt;gt; gt; I put times in as minutes and seconds, and attempt to use the format
gt;gt; gt; cell
gt;gt; gt; command and have tried every option under time and custom.
gt;gt; gt; The program keeps reading 20:02 (20 minutes and two seconds) as 10:02
gt;gt; gt; PM,
gt;gt; gt; how can I keep this from happening?

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