Hi Folks,
Is there a way to change the default style of a cell comment, for
example to 10 point text, not bold?
Is there a way to set the default alignment of all cells in a new
sheet centered horizontally and vertically?
Tom Kreutz
quot;Tom Kreutzquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Hi Folks,
gt; Is there a way to change the default style of a cell comment, for
gt; example to 10 point text, not bold?
gt; Is there a way to set the default alignment of all cells in a new sheet
gt; centered horizontally and vertically?
gt; Thanks!
gt; Tom Kreutz
Yes to the second question, not sure about the first. Create a new sheet
built the way you want it. Then, click Help (on the menu), and look for info
on creating templates. Done correctly, you'll be able to click File, New,
and see your template there along with all the others (if any yet).
Here are the answers to my own questions, found via Google Groups.
Sorry to have asked before looking myself.From Bernie Deitrick, Oct 26 1999, in microsoft.public.excel.programming
Sub New_Comment()
' Inserts a comment in 10 point regular text.
On Error Resume Next
With ActiveCell.AddComment.Shape.TextFrame.Characters.F ont
.Size = 10
End With
SendKeys quot; {F2}quot;
End SubFrom Gord Dibben, Aug 21 2003 in microsoft.public.excel.misc
You can go to Filegt;New and set up a worksheet as you wish. Delete
other sheets in this workbook.
Filegt;Save Asgt;Typegt;Template(*.xlt)
Name it SHEET and save it to your XLSTART folder. Any new worksheets
added or inserted will have the attributes you want.
Also save it as BOOK.XLT to have it as the default workbook that
opens when you want a new workbook.Tom Kreutz wrote:
gt; Is there a way to change the default style of a cell comment, for
gt; example to 10 point text, not bold?
gt; Is there a way to set the default alignment of all cells in a new
gt; sheet centered horizontally and vertically?
- Jul 25 Fri 2008 20:44
Changing Excel defaults