I've read a few threads trying to find my answer but they were too
abstract for me to understand.
Lets say on one spreadsheet I have my actual sales:
Customer Part Sales
Cisco A $W
Nortel A $X
Cisco B $Y
Nortel B $Z
I have a second spread sheet with my forecasted sales
Customer Part Sales
Cisco A $??
What I want to do is have a vlookup of the actual sales figure of Part
A. The problem is, I have two criteria. It not only has to be the
sales for Part A, it has to be only Cisco sales for part A when
multiple customers are buying this same part.
So, how do I do a two criteria Vlookup?
hollister22nh's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31917
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=516462Hi
There may be better solutions, but i always do this..
Insert a column before forecast sales, and put customer amp; partno by =a2amp;b2,
copy down to end.
actual sales sheet, if your forecast sales is next to sales in d column
put at d2, =VLOOKUP(A2amp;B2,Sheet2!C$1$5,2,FALSE)
you will get $??quot;hollister22nhquot; wrote:
gt; I've read a few threads trying to find my answer but they were too
gt; abstract for me to understand.
gt; Lets say on one spreadsheet I have my actual sales:
gt; Customer Part Sales
gt; Cisco A $W
gt; Nortel A $X
gt; Cisco B $Y
gt; Nortel B $Z
gt; I have a second spread sheet with my forecasted sales
gt; Customer Part Sales
gt; Cisco A $??
gt; What I want to do is have a vlookup of the actual sales figure of Part
gt; A. The problem is, I have two criteria. It not only has to be the
gt; sales for Part A, it has to be only Cisco sales for part A when
gt; multiple customers are buying this same part.
gt; So, how do I do a two criteria Vlookup?
gt; -John
gt; --
gt; hollister22nh
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; hollister22nh's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31917
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=516462
Assuming that A2:C5 contains your data, try the following formula which
needs to be confirmed with CONTROL SHIFT ENTER, not just ENTER...
....where E2 contains the customer of interest, and F2 contains the part
of interest.
Hope this helps!
In article
gt; wrote:
gt; I've read a few threads trying to find my answer but they were too
gt; abstract for me to understand.
gt; Lets say on one spreadsheet I have my actual sales:
gt; Customer Part Sales
gt; Cisco A $W
gt; Nortel A $X
gt; Cisco B $Y
gt; Nortel B $Z
gt; I have a second spread sheet with my forecasted sales
gt; Customer Part Sales
gt; Cisco A $??
gt; What I want to do is have a vlookup of the actual sales figure of Part
gt; A. The problem is, I have two criteria. It not only has to be the
gt; sales for Part A, it has to be only Cisco sales for part A when
gt; multiple customers are buying this same part.
gt; So, how do I do a two criteria Vlookup?
gt; -John
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:35
vlookup with two criteria