How do I get the x-axis labels closer to the axis? When I format the labels
I can modify how much they're offset, but even setting it to 0 doesn't really
improve it much. Failing that, is there a way to create a quot;leader linequot;
from the label to the spot on the axis to which it pertains?
If the offset of 0 does not get your labels close enough then you may
need to create your own axis labels.
See Jon Peltier's collection of articles on creating your own axes.
If you want to create leader lines you will have to move the axis within
the plot area. As lines created using either extra data series or error
bars will be restricted to the plotarea.
Meaghan wrote:
gt; How do I get the x-axis labels closer to the axis? When I format the labels
gt; I can modify how much they're offset, but even setting it to 0 doesn't really
gt; improve it much. Failing that, is there a way to create a quot;leader linequot;
gt; from the label to the spot on the axis to which it pertains?
Andy Pope, Microsoft MVP - Excel
I am not sure what you mean. Do you mean a quot;leader linequot; from the plotted
point to the corresponding x-coordinate? If so, Line charts have the
possibility to add a quot;drop linequot; (as Excel calls them) which you can format
to a subtle leader (eg dotted light grey) by double-clicking it.
If you want to separate the x-axis coordinates more clearly to help the eye
discriminate between x-parameters, there is a not so commonly known trick (I
haven't tested this at lenght but it is available for column, bar and line
charts). Right-click the chart and choose Source data. Choose series and
define for the Category X-axis labels an extra (empty) column (Example: if
you have 1-2-3-4 in B2 - B5, then select A2-B5 as category x label range
(with A2-A5 empty, or possibly in A2 the name of yr x-parameter (e.g.
I hope this helps.
quot;Meaghanquot; wrote:
gt; How do I get the x-axis labels closer to the axis? When I format the labels
gt; I can modify how much they're offset, but even setting it to 0 doesn't really
gt; improve it much. Failing that, is there a way to create a quot;leader linequot;
gt; from the label to the spot on the axis to which it pertains?
- Feb 22 Thu 2007 20:35
labels closer to axis