Here's my dilemma. I want to create one sheet as a summary sheet that
pulls data from specific cells that are in other pages. The problem is
that some of these pages aren't created yet because I create one new
page each day. It's alot of work to go back to that first page and
type in the exact same info as the day before, just changing the name
of the sheet to the next day.
Example: quot;='2006.02.01'!$Z$2quot; is for feb 1st, and the cell following
states quot;='2006.02.02'!$Z$2quot; for feb 2nd. Right now, I have to retype
it each day, because if I try calling for a page before the page is
made, excel gets confused. If anyone follows please help out.--
bsspewer's Profile:;userid=32846
View this thread:
Since you sheets are named according to the date, you could try the
CaptainQuattro's Profile:;userid=32763
View this thread: can use =indirect() to check to see if that sheet is the
=IF(ISERROR(CELL(quot;addressquot;,INDIRECT(quot;'2006.02.01'! a1quot;))),
quot;Not there yetquot;,INDIRECT(quot;'2006.02.01'!$Z$2quot;))
(all one cell)
bsspewer wrote:
gt; Here's my dilemma. I want to create one sheet as a summary sheet that
gt; pulls data from specific cells that are in other pages. The problem is
gt; that some of these pages aren't created yet because I create one new
gt; page each day. It's alot of work to go back to that first page and
gt; type in the exact same info as the day before, just changing the name
gt; of the sheet to the next day.
gt; Example: quot;='2006.02.01'!$Z$2quot; is for feb 1st, and the cell following
gt; states quot;='2006.02.02'!$Z$2quot; for feb 2nd. Right now, I have to retype
gt; it each day, because if I try calling for a page before the page is
gt; made, excel gets confused. If anyone follows please help out.
gt; --
gt; bsspewer
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; bsspewer's Profile:;userid=32846
gt; View this thread:
Dave Peterson
Alright dave, we're getting there now. I can now go ahead of the day
and type up all the cells having them refer to pages that are uncreated
yet. This lightens up the day to day work, but I still have to manually
change each sheet name in the arguments (2006.02.01 to 2006.02.02).
Is there a way I can have it call for the name of a sheet using a
Example: cell B2 says 2006.02.02 and in your formula I put something
like quot;'B2'quot;! thereby it uses what I've typed in cell B2 as the name of
the sheet it looks for. This prevents me from manually typing each page
name, and can refer to a cell much easier.--
bsspewer's Profile:;userid=32846
View this thread:;addressquot;,INDIRECT(quot;'quot;amp;TEXT(B2,quot;y;)amp;quot;'!a1quot;))),
quot;Not there yetquot;,INDIRECT(quot;'quot;amp;TEXT(B2,quot;;)amp;quot;'!$Z$2quot;) )Dave Peterson wrote:
gt; You can use =indirect() to check to see if that sheet is the
gt; =IF(ISERROR(CELL(quot;addressquot;,INDIRECT(quot;'2006.02.01'! a1quot;))),
gt; quot;Not there yetquot;,INDIRECT(quot;'2006.02.01'!$Z$2quot;))
gt; (all one cell)
gt; bsspewer wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Here's my dilemma. I want to create one sheet as a summary sheet that
gt; gt; pulls data from specific cells that are in other pages. The problem is
gt; gt; that some of these pages aren't created yet because I create one new
gt; gt; page each day. It's alot of work to go back to that first page and
gt; gt; type in the exact same info as the day before, just changing the name
gt; gt; of the sheet to the next day.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Example: quot;='2006.02.01'!$Z$2quot; is for feb 1st, and the cell following
gt; gt; states quot;='2006.02.02'!$Z$2quot; for feb 2nd. Right now, I have to retype
gt; gt; it each day, because if I try calling for a page before the page is
gt; gt; made, excel gets confused. If anyone follows please help out.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; --
gt; gt; bsspewer
gt; gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; gt; bsspewer's Profile:;userid=32846
gt; gt; View this thread:
gt; --
gt; Dave Peterson
Dave Peterson
- Apr 21 Sat 2007 20:37
Calling for pages before they are created.