Hello All,
I have some data that looks like this...
Field 1 Field 2
VendorName Yokogawa Electric
ModelName EJA100A
Revision R2.00
ManufacturerID 5850435
DeviceType 3
DeviceRevision 2
DdRevision 1
PdTag FT-3121B
NodeAddress 0xf7
DeviceClass BASIC
DeviceID 5945430003J0008436
DeviceNo 1
VendorName Yokogawa Electric
ModelName EJA100A
Revision R2.00
ManufacturerID 5850435
DeviceType 3
DeviceRevision 2
DdRevision 1
PdTag FT-3152B
NodeAddress 0xf6
DeviceClass BASIC
DeviceID 5945430003J0008926
DeviceNo 2
VendorName Yokogawa Electric
ModelName EJA100A
Revision R2.00
ManufacturerID 5850435
DeviceType 3
DeviceRevision 2
DdRevision 1
PdTag PT-3011
NodeAddress 0xf5
DeviceClass BASIC
DeviceID 5945430003J0009091
DeviceNo 3
As you can see the data in field 1 is repeated so i want to have that as a
row heading and field 2 as the data. I have tried a pivot table but can only
get get data summaries such as count , min , max etc.
Is there a way to create a piviot table using the data itself rather than
I have manaegd to do it in access but cant get it to work in excel.
Any help appreciated
Sort on FieldA , then Filter the same.
Pivottable or subtotal makes summaries only.--
jamex's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=32243
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=521638You can do this tabulation with formulas. Assume your data start at A1
(label Field1, A2 contains the first VendorName, B2 contains Yokogawa
Electric). Assume your output tabulation starts at E1. E1:P1 have the
12 field headers and data start from E2.
If you leave a blank row from record to record, in E2:
=OFFSET($B$2,(ROW()-ROW($E$2))*13 COLUMN()-COLUMN($E$2),0)
Copy across 12 columns and as far down as necessary.
If you DO NOT leave a blank row. In E2:
=OFFSET($B$2,(ROW()-ROW($E$2))*12 COLUMN()-COLUMN($E$2),0)
Again copy across and down.
Kostis Vezerides
- Aug 28 Tue 2007 20:38
Pivot Table