I'm having a problem opening an excel file
generated from a website for use in Excel.
The file will open in Excel 2000 showing the data
in Excel 2003 it will only show the header.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Desktop Support Engineer
Sorry I don't think I made my problem clear. When I open the file
in Excel 2003 the result is not the same as in Excel 2000. I have a copy
of the file if anyone wishes to see it.
Desktop Support Engineerquot;exceluserforemanquot; wrote:
gt; You need to open excel first the use the file open dialog to openthe file
gt; quot;Markquot; wrote:
gt; gt; I'm having a problem opening an excel file
gt; gt; generated from a website for use in Excel.
gt; gt; The file will open in Excel 2000 showing the data
gt; gt; in Excel 2003 it will only show the header.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Any help would be greatly appreciated.
gt; gt; --
gt; gt; Desktop Support Engineer
- Aug 28 Tue 2007 20:39
Probelm opening an excel 2000 file in excel 2003