I am trying to have excel execute an quot;IFquot; formula based on the computer
clock. For example, if there is no entry in a cell on a given day the a
certain result should be displayed (such as $0.00 or quot;No Runquot;). I cant seem
to find help on this function. Thanks.
The problem is that using the computer clock is volatile, the NOW function
will always update unless you use a macro or under some circumstances
circular references
Peo Sjoblom
Northwest Excel Solutions
(remove ^^ from email address)
Portland, Oregon
quot;lectrousquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I am trying to have excel execute an quot;IFquot; formula based on the computer
gt; clock. For example, if there is no entry in a cell on a given day the a
gt; certain result should be displayed (such as $0.00 or quot;No Runquot;). I cant
gt; seem
gt; to find help on this function. Thanks.Maybe something like this will help.....
Where E1 contains =NOW()
=IF(AND(A1=quot;quot;,E1gt;38797.34301),quot;No Runquot;,quot;quot;)
Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3
- Nov 21 Wed 2007 20:40
How do I tie the computer clock with formula execution?