
I want to use an IF statement or other function that would allow me to place
a value in a cell other than the cell that formula is evaluated in based on
some logical tests. For example: I have a number I want to transpose x
cells from where my formula is evaluated based on some criteria that would be
evaluated based on some data cells. Is there a way to do that?

Formulas return values to the cells that hold them--they can't change values in
other cells.

Macros (Subroutines) can do lots of stuff, though.

BobG wrote:
gt; I want to use an IF statement or other function that would allow me to place
gt; a value in a cell other than the cell that formula is evaluated in based on
gt; some logical tests. For example: I have a number I want to transpose x
gt; cells from where my formula is evaluated based on some criteria that would be
gt; evaluated based on some data cells. Is there a way to do that?


Dave Peterson


If you want to put the value based on the formula test in some remote
cell, what do you want to display in the cell the formula is in?

I mean, you could put the value in the quot;formula cellquot; and reference it
somewhere else?


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