I have a software programme running sports bookings that can export data
about usage and also customers names and e mail addresses into EXCEL.the data
comes up as customer last name, first name e mail address.
Id there a way I can export the customers names and e mails into OUTLOOK to
form a mailing list I can use?
Best way is probably to save the file as *.CSV and then import if from
Outlook (although there is an option in Outlook to import excel files it's
easier to import a CSV file)--
Peo Sjoblom
quot;Keith Nichollsquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; I have a software programme running sports bookings that can export data
gt; about usage and also customers names and e mail addresses into EXCEL.the
gt; comes up as customer last name, first name e mail address.
gt; Id there a way I can export the customers names and e mails into OUTLOOK
gt; form a mailing list I can use?
- Dec 25 Tue 2007 20:41
exporting e mail adresses from Excel into Outlook