I would be grateful for any help and advice with this problem. I have
been given the task of designing and distributing a survey
questionnaire using Excel. I anticipate getting 200-300 responses via
email - all of which have to be collated and analysed. Please does
anyone have any tips for efficiently collating input from individual
worksheets into a master worksheet? I was thinking initially of using
check boxes in question response categories on the individual
worksheets but do not know how to capture the results effectively in
the master worksheet. The responses to questions will be subject to
later statistical analysis. Please could someone point me in the right
Many thanks.--
englishmustard's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31804
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=515273I think I'd use a bunch of linked cells (back to the optionboxes).
And then create a new worksheet (probably hidden) in the survey workbook.
It would consist of at least 3 columns.
A: Name/id of survey taker
B: Question #
C: Linked cell value (response)
Then when I got all those surveys back, I'd put them in a dedicated folder and
then use code to open each workbook and extract the data from that hidden sheet
and combine it into one giant worksheet.
Ron de Bruin has tons of sample code that can do this kind of combining:
You may want to even look at alternate applications. Maybe there's a way to do
this via the web/html stuff (way beyond me). Or even dedicated survey
englishmustard wrote:
gt; I would be grateful for any help and advice with this problem. I have
gt; been given the task of designing and distributing a survey
gt; questionnaire using Excel. I anticipate getting 200-300 responses via
gt; email - all of which have to be collated and analysed. Please does
gt; anyone have any tips for efficiently collating input from individual
gt; worksheets into a master worksheet? I was thinking initially of using
gt; check boxes in question response categories on the individual
gt; worksheets but do not know how to capture the results effectively in
gt; the master worksheet. The responses to questions will be subject to
gt; later statistical analysis. Please could someone point me in the right
gt; direction?
gt; Many thanks.
gt; --
gt; englishmustard
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; englishmustard's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31804
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=515273
Dave Peterson
Thanks for the tips - there's plenty to think about!--
englishmustard's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31804
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=515273
- Dec 25 Tue 2007 20:41
Streamlining questionnaire analysis