I have two problems:
1. When I print out a page the printing is too small
2. In my date column, the last two digets don't print when I get to a date
such as 12/22/05.
Check your font size. If that is not the problem, go to File-gt;Page
Setup and check see if it is scaling at all. (The thing that says
quot;Adjust toquot; should be selected at set to 100%. The thing that says
quot;Fit toquot; should not be selected). Also you might want to check your
page margins to see if they are set too large.
TommySzalapski's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=25561
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=500392
- Dec 25 Tue 2007 20:41
printing on excel spreadsheets too small