I have a spreadsheet where I need to total certain sections. I use it to
total hours for each loaction. Some locations have multiple lines while
others only have one. How can I create a grand total for the locations with
more than one entry?
Hi Cosmo
Have a look at Data/Subtotals
You can nominate where you want the subtotals to appear
quot;Cosmoquot; wrote:
gt; I have a spreadsheet where I need to total certain sections. I use it to
gt; total hours for each loaction. Some locations have multiple lines while
gt; others only have one. How can I create a grand total for the locations with
gt; more than one entry?
Thank You Very Much!
quot;Michael Mquot; wrote:
gt; Hi Cosmo
gt; Have a look at Data/Subtotals
gt; You can nominate where you want the subtotals to appear
gt; HTH
gt; Michael
gt; quot;Cosmoquot; wrote:
gt; gt; I have a spreadsheet where I need to total certain sections. I use it to
gt; gt; total hours for each loaction. Some locations have multiple lines while
gt; gt; others only have one. How can I create a grand total for the locations with
gt; gt; more than one entry?
- Dec 25 Tue 2007 20:41
How to total like items