I recently purchased a used Larrivee Parlor Guitar with a Mag Mic and only the mic seems to be working. When I turn down the mic gain nob all the way there is no amplified sound.
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
Mag Mic question
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
Bogner x-tasy
All right, I went and did it. I found and played the beast. sticker shock yes but feature and tone wise this thing is the bomb. its cleans are good for a el34 tube amp-there not Roland Jazz chorus good-but they are good and with a little reverb and a strat they are that much better. channel 2 will give you about any big rock tone you could want and there is plenty of gain with this channel. I had 4 store employees over with me and we were twisting nobs and tweakin tones and pushing the amp in every direction we could to see what tone we could get out of it. it has a wonderful clip and plenty of gain and the versitility is amazing. channel 3 is your compressed lead tone channel. it is more pronounced and compressed and ready to thrash up a storm-but its good tone not noisy buzzy trash and yet I got wonderfull feedback when I placed the guitar up to the head and wailed away on it. it realy is a great lead channel. I cant imagine useing too many pedals with this amp as it sounds good the way it is. you can also set the signal to hit the speaker hard-medium-or soft for each channel! meaning your cleans can be sparkly and hit the speaker soft and yet you can assign your lead channel to be thrashy and have the signal out of the amp hit your speaker hard to realy drive your speakers to great clip even at low volumn-say a small club or your house. when I played this amp I thought quot;finally! the tone Ive been searching for and the coolest usable features to bootquot; you can tell this amp was designed by someone who thought in terms of what players need. now my other stuff is going and ime headin right for this amp cuz it realy is that good. this amp is a classic like an old marshall plexi or fender baseman but you may get rid of your other classic amps cuz this thing pretty much renders most any other amp obsolete. you wont get the realy low rectifyer sound but frankly that sound- wile good by yourself or with just a bass and drummer-tends to be muddy and you will not cut thru like a el34 amp can and the bogner tone is so nice you will never want to go back. the only other amp ive heard that compares to the bogner is the Diezel amps but they are 1500 more and in my opinion I like the tone of the Bogner x-tasy as much or more. I guess ol GearJoneser was right-once youve heard the bogner you will be hooked
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
GFS Pickups
Anyone know anything about em? I mean, I'm buying em anyways... they're pretty cheap and I just want to stick em in an old guitar I have to mess around with.
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
Why are my Gibson minibuckers sqealing when I kick in my od pedal?
They have black plastic covers so they shouldn't be doing this right? I tried taking off the covers to take a look but I couldn't get them off. I don't want to use force and possibly screw them up because they are from 1974 and sound really good.
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
EMG 81's and 85's
Is there a way to tell the difference between the two without unscrewing everything?
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
Line 6 Vetta II
Hey guys, can someone snag me a list or link depicting what this baby actually models. The ifno on MF doesn't really do justice.
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
WANTED: set of emg !!!!!!!!
i wanna buy some emg's let me know what you got , they must be black and they must come with everything needed it for their installation i will pay immediately with paypal no matter 81 81 or 81 85
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
Too many to choose from!!!!!!
I've just bought a 2002 Epiphone Les Paul Studio for dirt cheap. I had planned right away to change the tuners and the pickups so i made sure the price was a bargan. Anyway I am having one heck of a time choosing pickups for it. There are soo many options. I figured people on this forum could help me out a little, so here it goes. I play everything, jazz to hard rock. This guitar is said to be mahogony/alder. Its got a transparent finish and looking at the back of the guitar the grain is definatly mahogony. The top is different though, and judging by the weight of the guitar (very light) i assume its mostly alder. Rosewood finger board aswell. I am pretty much looking for versitality. I've seen alot of users liking the SH-2n and JB combo, and i think i might be leaning this way. I hate guitars with ear piercing treble, and I have read that the JB can be quite trebly, which concerns me. I also want a bridge pickup that will give me a nice full blues sound, and also be clear at the same time. I've read amazing things about the Jazz pickup, but I am concerned with a lack of lower end. So I was thinking of putting the 59 in the neck position instead. I want a bridge pickup with a full and powerful sound, clean and distorted. For the neck pickup I am just not sure. There is the JB, SH-5, SH-14 i've been thinking of. I want a pickup that distorts well, but still allows all strings to be heard, not all muffled together. Again a versatile pickup, something capable of a lot. I want a matched set, so getting a hot pickup might not work with the Jazz, or 59. So those are my thoughts for pickups. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I love the gibson, prs sound. Mix that with what i've written about and thats what i'm looking for!!! thanks for your help.
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
F-spacing and single-coils
i am looking for a single-coil pickup to replace my current middle pickup, so as to balance well with the bridge JB's output. at the same time, it is extremely critical that each pole is aligned with each string, due to some requirement of the electronics.
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
For all you JB Humbucker in the neck users...
It's a bridge pup, so how do you orient yours?