I don't know if it belongs here, but I want to make sure that you guys saw it. I recently did a deal with Joelap, and first off, he paid me very quickly and was a great guy to deal with.
Well he took the great guy thing a step farther, due to my mistake I ended up paying 10.00 more for the shipping than I had quoted him. Well he Pm'd me to tell me he got the stuff and I was so ticked at my self and UPS that I mentiond it to him. He offeren and did pay me the difference in the cost of shipping.
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
Hey guys make sure you read this.....
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
Almost there! (maple neck tung oil question)
I spent three hours tonight sanding a maple neck's poly finish off and it looks done, from a distance. When I get some daylight to work with I'm going to do all the minor touch ups which will make this part of it finished. I have some questions for you pros though for the next phase of things:
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
Any one tried this?
I'm thinking of changing the wiring on my fat strat heres my idea. replace the 5 way switch with a 3 way. connect cool rails (neck) and fender custom shop (mid) to the three way. Use one of the tone knobs for a volume control for the JB (bridge). This way I could have all 3 pickups active at any time and any combination of pickups.
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
Offset pickups
The cryptic thread title is a bit of a ruse. I'm referring to SD pickups made for the Jazzmaster and Jaguar.
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
Favorite Single Coil Humbuckers
What is the best, most popular Single Coil sized Humbucker?
Let’s say best for all around use rock blues in the bridge position and sounds good split.
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
Tube Swap = Fatten Up Strat Tone
All you tube gurus already know this stuff...but, I felt like doing some tube experimentation. The HellHound came with 2 Electro Harmonix 6L6GC's and two EH 12AX7's. I contacted an online vendor for recommendations. And I went with the recommendation.
I bought 2 NOS Jan Phillips 6L6WGB's, small bottle, power tubes and 2 RFT 12AX7 preamp tubes.
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
tube amp for recording purposes...
So lately I've been curious about the practicality of buying a tube amp for recording purposes. I've just about had it with the the whole modeller thing, and although my little bandit sounds nice when clean I have yet to get a distorted sound that pleases me. So I guess my question is, in a house where volume is indeed an issue is a tube amp an option for recording? I mean- to get that saturated clip you really need to push the amp right? So is it possible to get a good tone without blowing the bedroom windows out? I was thinking that maybe a 30 watt combo like a mesa f-30 might be a good alternative to getting a podxt and that sacrificing the convenience of late night recording and limited mixing would be worth it for the *real* thing but I'm still unsure as to whether it would be overkill at this point. Would an iso cab help things, or should I just hold out until I move out or need to gig? Another thing I was thinking was that maybe I could build a small area lined with damping material from a hi-fi store and just try to make it relatively sound proof.
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
Fender Quad: Good?
What do you reckon? Saw this on Ebay, it's a little over my budget (£500) sure looks cool though!
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
Painting a guitar body with car paint?
How should I go about doing this? How many coats of what? What grit sandpapers? etc.
- Nov 23 Mon 2009 20:54
do duncans need different humbucking rings.....
Then any Gibson or dimarzio pickup?