I just have a quick question about a SPB 3 quarter pound pickup that I bid on on Ebay. The covers do not have the bassline logo on them. The seller did say that they had quot;SSMquot; molded into the plastic on the back of the pickup. Does this sound right? The seller is also claiming no real knowledge of them.

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well i had this wild idea to do a hot rodded 50's-esq strat and then i bought a pink pickup and it turned into a hot rodded 50s meets the 80s thing and i'm actually real happy with it. it started with a Fender 50s reissue strat body and as usal a warmoth guard i custom drilled for my own oddball control layout on this one (less is more!). the neck is a kinda a vintage/modern cross breed it's all maple with a heel adjust like a 50s would have and also uses vintage style tuners and the single string tree yet is 22 fret with a 12quot; radius with a graphite nut and 6100 frets. all that with a fairly meaty C shape which is real comfy to play all finished with tru-oil for a raw wood music man like feel. so, it's a bit confused as to what it is, is it 50s, is it 80s is it just XSSIVE lol...i don't know but it sure did come out cool IMO.

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does keeley's hi-fi mod and rate mod really better than the original unmodded sound of boss ce-2?

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I have a Charvel Model 6 that needs a total refret as well as a Warmoth neck that needs dressing. Rather than paying upwards of $400 to get that done, I figure I should go ahead and learn to do it myself. I've read everything I can find on the internet about fretwork and plan on buying Stewmac's book on it, but what else is there that I can study? Specifically if anyone has any tips on refretting a bound neck, that would be great. I've read the thread Pierre started and there's a lot of great info in there already. How do I go about fretting a bound neck? How do I make sure the neck has the proper amount of relief when I level the frets? Which tools do I need that are specific to fretwork, which can be found in your average hardware store, and which can I make myself?

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I finally found my lefty Jazzmaster which should be arriving next week!! It's a 1996 MIJ, dead stock. I know I'll be needing to make some modifications before I can rely on it as an everyday player so I was wondering if you guys had suggestions? What string gauge should I be using? I'd like to use 10s but I've heard 11s or 12s are more suitable as well as a quot;higherquot; than normal action.

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Alright I've got a Mesa/Boogie Rectoverb 1x12 combo that I've had for a little less than a year. Was a floor model when I bought it. Only issues are a little sticker residue on the top (from the labels on it at the store) and the handle has started to come unseamed (cheap fix for new handle..though the handle is still holding strong). Amp has brand new JJ tubes from eurotubes.com (less than 5 hours on them)

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I love the tone of the clean channel of my Marshall JTM60 when the channel vomle is turned down low, about 10 o'clock, with the master volume cranked up. However, this just isn't loud enough to gig with. If I turn the channel volume up the amp loses 'sparkle' and I start getting some nasty pre-amp distortion.

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Check out the new Amplifer Central section of the forum. Try to start posting your threads there. This will be pretty much related to amps, tubes, speakers, most anything that takes an instrument output and turns it into audible frequencies.

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Tonight I spent some time on my trusty 50th Anniversary Strat and did a complete overhaul of the electronics. I replaced the pots with CTS 250K's, a new Switchcraft 3-way switch, and a new Mallory .047 cap. Of course, the stock pickups had to go, so I replaced them with Antiquity Texas Hots (with a RWRP middle and a Custom Bridge).

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Does anyone know where I could find one for sale. I notice they are kind of hard to come by but, I am on a quest to find one!!

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