What do you think is a fair price for a used (assume good condition) Roland Jazz Chorus 120?
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
What would you pay for a used JC 120?
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
EF86 tube recomendations
I just got a very cool mid 60s Multivox bass combo. Amp has tons of promise, but has a new EF86 in it that is buzzy. I know the old ones are spendy, but it is worth it to find one. I really like a lot of what that tube does. Any recomendations? Or better yet, anyone have an extra they might sell?
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Funky guitar covers!
So my girlfriend has made me a nice fancy vest for my Symphony concerts and such, but today at Walmart we got an idea. What about making a funky cloth cover for my guitar. Made of some really soft material that's fuzzy or whatever I wanted! Anybody know of anyone that makes these? I would really like to have a black cloth cover for my schecter cuz the paint is already getting worn down since it's just a satin finish. Sound like a good idea? Pointers? But I'd really like to know if anybody makes these!
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Biu's Current GAS Attack
While I was in Vegas, I went to Guitar Center and played a Fender Standard MIM Tele and I LOVED it! The feel was right, and the tone was oh soo...Beatles-esque! It was a pleasure to play, as far as my vintage guitar playing fetishes were concerned Now here's the twist: I also played the USA stuff like the Butterscotch RI and didn't think anything of it. They just didn't feel right or sound right to me. They weren't duds either, I just didn't have a firm liking for those MIA Teles, I guess In any case, this was quite strange to me because this is probably the first time I've preferred the lower-end model of a single guitar brand to the higher-end model I also loved the Daisy Rock guitars. Felt really smooth in my nimble fingers, with an economic fit to the body. Really dug them, the tone was right, the feel was superb, and the look...well, you'd have to win a coupla guitar battles to be safe playing that in public! Hahaha, but I plan to do something of the like, should I decide to get one.The last thing I played was a Crate V-Series. I was completely blown away. These amps have a very pleasing clean channel, and an even MORE pleasing gain structure. The tone reminded me of a lot of '70s rock, and occasionally The Beatles when the gain was rolled down. Fairly Marshall-esque, I'd say, but overall just very sweet and natural. I would get my hands on these amps if I could, their tone really justifies all the hype.Oh you poor sap with those Daist Rock guitars haha I kid I kid, and I played one of those Crate V series at the Gibson Factory in Nashville for literally a whole week all day everyday while the women shopped. Sounded amazing and I actually didn't know it was a Crate till months after and I was blown away.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Let's Talk Tubes.........
I am about to replace the tubes in my Mesa Rect-O-Verb, and am wondering what I should get brandwise, etc? I have never bought tubes before because the ones I got with the amp when I bought it used have lasted me til now. Any ideas? Also, does anyone have an estimation of how much it will cost me to get a brand new set of tubes? Anyone who owns a Mesa Single Rectifier please chime in. Thanks.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Anyone played a double-neck
I've been looking at some double-neck guitars and was wondering if anone here has one or has played one and how you liked it. It seems like it would be cool to be ale to switch between a twelve and six string without changing guitars. I also wont a guitar thats very eye catching. I've mostly been looking at the epiphone and agile 12/6's the gibson is alittle out of my budget.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
WTB.. Duncan Distortion Dimarzio's, etc..
Hey folks.. I'm wanting to chage out the pickup in my coming soon Ibanez.. I'm looking for a Duncan Distortion F Spaced in Black. I'd also consider a Dimarzio Distortion in black F spaced or Tone Zone or Air Zone.. or Fred or ?
The only other Duncan I really think I'd try would be the invader! PM me with what you have and how much you want to send here to Indiana.. Please include shipping charge! I'll get back with you within a day or two at the most.. probably within the same day..
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Got my Boss NS-2
So I picked this little beauty up at the music store last week on Tuesday before a gig on Wednesday, and MAN is it a great little pedal. I guess it's more of a noise GATE than general reduction, but either way it works really well, which is probably nothing you guys haven't heard before.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
(photos) of wiring HELP! part 2
ok i included some photos of my wiring.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
SM Stack-Plus (STK-S4)
When is this Stack-plus pickup going to be available? Can anyone give me a discription of what they are supposed to look and sound like?