I want to buy a fender telecaster. I want to put in two humbuckers. I want a JB in the bridge and a pearly gates in the neck. I dont want to try and cut the pickguard to fit the humbucker myself, I would just like to buy a pickguard pre cut for a humbucker in the neck. I have looked every where and cant find the pickguard I'm looking for. Someone please give me some places on the net to check out. Also do you guys think that would be choice of pickups together? I want it to sound like Nirvana/Led Zeppelin. HELP!

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I'm really considering grabbing one of these now, as I've been looking to find a nice Strat. I've heard great things about the neck, hardware, and electronics. The only problem is, none of the stores in my area have one in stock to try out. I'd like to try one out before I buy, but the stores (understandably) won't order one into the shop for someone to just try it out.

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Which one :

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I might finally be getting a Marshall 1987x if all things go as planned (which, as usual, they will not), but I won't be able to afford a cab for awhile. I am thinking that I should be able to use the speakers from my Peavey combo, this is an okay thing to do for the time being, right? As long as the ohms match up I should be good to go? The combo is a 60 watt tube amp so it should be able to handle the Marshall...

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Well i'm bored and would like something to occupy my time so i guess I'll build a Telecaster...anybody have any spare tele parts they're trying to get rid of?

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hi dudes...

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...but they seem to be out of stock everywhere. Anyone looking to sell one or at least know of a place that has them?

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I know there's the legendary polytone, and BB king's lab series, and a few great Roland Jazz chorus amps-What makes these amps great? I've heard some great polytones and the incredibly chime quality they achieve with humbuckers and can't imagine the tone with Singles.

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I wasn't sure where else to post this, but I wanted others to be aware of the potential to get ripped off.

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I am really jonesing for a new Strat. I have my mind pretty well set on a Fender 60's Strat in Lake Placid Blue. I love that model. The pickups, like most stock pickups, need to go. I would like to replace them with a set of nice meaty pickups that are a little higher output than vintage-type pickups. If Seymour made a quot;Texas Specialesquequot; pickup, that's what I would go for. Hum-canceling would be nice but not mandatory. Antiquities are an option too. Please give me some thoughts here.

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