- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:40
Excel changes figures automatically
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:40
Formula to figure bonus
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:40
need an answer to flag if it cant fall or exceed 2 values in exce
I work in quality and I am trying to wite a certificate that will indicate if
a product does not meet specifications. The problem that I have is the
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:40
Printing Labels from Excel
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:40
Sampling Program
Is there existing macros or functions that I can perform the following
sampling logic?
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:40
Merge and Center when sheet is protected
I have a worksheet where I have certain columns and rows locked and the rest
is available for user input. I used Tools/Protection/and have a check in
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:40
Import External Data is missing some data
I have a spreadsheet that pulls data from another spreadsheet. Most of the
data come in fine. However, one collumn is being difficult.
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:40
excel formula
how to covert numers in words i.e. 100 Hundred
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:40
How can I ignore an #N/A value in a =SUM() formula?
I have a range of cells that I need to total. Problem is many of these cells
currently contain formulas that have an #N/A value in them because they are