I have a Workbook that contains a list of Names and Addresses, I have
already written a macro that when actioned takes the details from a
selected record (user defined) exports to a linked Word document and
prints it (thanks to all who helped me with that).
The next stage is to print address labels......
Currently the labels I use are the classic A4 3 x 4 self adhesive type
but I dont know how to either quot;save upquot; the details so I dont use a
complete sheet everytime I print, or how to get it to recognise if a
quot;ccquot; cell in the worksheet is active and therefore has to print an
additional label for that record.
To summarise I want to....
1. quot;Save upquot; multiple addresses and once I either have 12 automatically
print or when the user actives a quot;triggerquot; print however many there are
to date.
2. Print duplicate labels (c/w different names) when a record has
multiple names in certain cells of it.
I am currently thinking of doing all the above in a worksheet rather
than trying to link across to Word, but any ideas or input would be
very welcome.
Alec H
Alec H's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31042
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=517718
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:40
Printing Labels from Excel