
Any ideas how i can import data from electronic weghts or temperature
measurements into an excel file. If possible I want to register measurements
at fixed interwalls, and stamping the values with time and date.
One new row for each measurement.
How can this be taken care of?

In article gt;, =?Utf-8?B?RGFicmEgTm9yd2F5?= lt;Dabra gt; wrote:
gt;Any ideas how i can import data from electronic weghts or temperature
gt;measurements into an excel file. If possible I want to register measurements
gt;at fixed interwalls, and stamping the values with time and date.
gt;One new row for each measurement.
gt;How can this be taken care of?

There is a product out there alreay that does this. IIRC it's called
quot;software wedgequot; or something like that. Takes numbers from anywhere and
inserts them into XL. ... though that was a while ago. HTH


I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good
people and the bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and
only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

Lord Vetinari in Guards ! Guards ! - Terry Pratchett

Caution ===== followups may have been changed to relevant groups
(if there were any)Thanks a lot for your help Bruce.
I think this was just the thing i needed.

Bruce Sinclair skrev:

gt; In article gt;, =?Utf-8?B?RGFicmEgTm9yd2F5?= lt;Dabra gt; wrote:
gt; gt;Any ideas how i can import data from electronic weghts or temperature
gt; gt;measurements into an excel file. If possible I want to register measurements
gt; gt;at fixed interwalls, and stamping the values with time and date.
gt; gt;One new row for each measurement.
gt; gt;How can this be taken care of?
gt; There is a product out there alreay that does this. IIRC it's called
gt; quot;software wedgequot; or something like that. Takes numbers from anywhere and
gt; inserts them into XL.
gt; ... though that was a while ago.
gt; HTH
gt; Bruce
gt; ----------------------------------------
gt; I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good
gt; people and the bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and
gt; only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.
gt; Lord Vetinari in Guards ! Guards ! - Terry Pratchett
gt; Caution ===== followups may have been changed to relevant groups
gt; (if there were any)

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