Basically, I have a spreadsheet with a list of clients and when they signed
up for their services with my company. Some of them pay monthly and some pay
annually. The company owner wants to see a month by month breakout of the
money we'll have coming in, basically a forecast.
I'm a fairly savvy Excel user, but it's been a while since I've undertaken a
task this complicated, so any suggestions would be extremely valuable.
Thanks everyone!
We'd need to know what information is available. For instance: do you
have an indicator for each client that says quot;monthlyquot; or quot;annualquot;,
along with the amount they should pay? Do the annual payers pay on a
particular date, or do they all pay on January 1 or some other date?
And then we proceed to the desired report format: does the owner want
to see an annual forecast, a rolling forecast of the next 12 months, a
monthly forecast? Please let us know!In addition to the columns you already have (client name, address, date
etc), you might need a column for the annual amount they are committed
for if this varies for each client. In another column you could record
whether they will pay annually or monthly (quot;Aquot; or quot;Mquot; - maybe also quot;Qquot;
for quarterly).
Then basically you will need 12 columns, one for each month and a
formula copied across and down which will take account of the
start-date, the payment frequency and the annual amount to determine
the income for that month - presumably annual and quarterly payments
are made in advance?
Finally, you could total each column to determine the projected income
for each month. If you want to add more clients as the year unfolds,
you might like to put the totals at the top of the sheet and use a sum
range beyond the number of clients you currently have.
Hope this helps.
PeteSorry for not giving enough info!
First, this spreadsheet comes from a database that I do not manage, so the
columns that are given to me are as follows: Company, Contact, Phone, Email,
Street Address1, Address2, Address3, City, State, Zip, Start Date, End Date,
User Type, Monthly Revenue, Prepaid Revenue, User Name, Password.
The quot;prepaid revenuequot; column is if a customer pays for a yearly
subscription, and it is good for one year from the day they pay.
And what I'm looking for is a way that my boss can populate this spreadsheet
with new users as they sign up, or as current users pay, and that will remain
accurate without me having to mess with it. So, in essence, I want something
relatively low maintenance on my part.
Does that help clarify some issues?
quot;iamdazeyquot; wrote:
gt; Basically, I have a spreadsheet with a list of clients and when they signed
gt; up for their services with my company. Some of them pay monthly and some pay
gt; annually. The company owner wants to see a month by month breakout of the
gt; money we'll have coming in, basically a forecast.
gt; I'm a fairly savvy Excel user, but it's been a while since I've undertaken a
gt; task this complicated, so any suggestions would be extremely valuable.
gt; Thanks everyone!
gt; iamdazey
I have a similar profile spreadsheet. Try Excel formula =TEXT(the cell of
the date of payment,quot;mmmquot;) to give you the month, =TEXT(the cell of the date
of payment,quot;yyyyquot;) for the year. Then use these two fields (columns) for the
Column portion of a pivot table. If you ever have the need, you can collapse
all the months of a particular year by double-clicking the year cell in the
pivot table. If you're not familiar with pivot tables, you might want to
take an hour to learn about them. They are extremely valuable tool.
quot;iamdazeyquot; wrote:
gt; Basically, I have a spreadsheet with a list of clients and when they signed
gt; up for their services with my company. Some of them pay monthly and some pay
gt; annually. The company owner wants to see a month by month breakout of the
gt; money we'll have coming in, basically a forecast.
gt; I'm a fairly savvy Excel user, but it's been a while since I've undertaken a
gt; task this complicated, so any suggestions would be extremely valuable.
gt; Thanks everyone!
gt; iamdazey
Sorry about that Dave! I posted further information in reply to my original
post.quot;Dave Oquot; wrote:
gt; We'd need to know what information is available. For instance: do you
gt; have an indicator for each client that says quot;monthlyquot; or quot;annualquot;,
gt; along with the amount they should pay? Do the annual payers pay on a
gt; particular date, or do they all pay on January 1 or some other date?
gt; And then we proceed to the desired report format: does the owner want
gt; to see an annual forecast, a rolling forecast of the next 12 months, a
gt; monthly forecast? Please let us know!
Good suggestions, thank you! I added some more information in reply to my
original post, in case that helps. Also, I'm wondering: what if I wanted the
monthly totals to be on a separate sheet, but in the same workbook? I have
an idea of how it would work, but I don't know what type of formulas I should
Any ideas?
quot;Pete_UKquot; wrote:
gt; In addition to the columns you already have (client name, address, date
gt; etc), you might need a column for the annual amount they are committed
gt; for if this varies for each client. In another column you could record
gt; whether they will pay annually or monthly (quot;Aquot; or quot;Mquot; - maybe also quot;Qquot;
gt; for quarterly).
gt; Then basically you will need 12 columns, one for each month and a
gt; formula copied across and down which will take account of the
gt; start-date, the payment frequency and the annual amount to determine
gt; the income for that month - presumably annual and quarterly payments
gt; are made in advance?
gt; Finally, you could total each column to determine the projected income
gt; for each month. If you want to add more clients as the year unfolds,
gt; you might like to put the totals at the top of the sheet and use a sum
gt; range beyond the number of clients you currently have.
gt; Hope this helps.
gt; Pete
I haven't actually used Pivot Tables before, but I was curious about them. I
will definitely look into this option, thank you!
quot;Roncoquot; wrote:
gt; I have a similar profile spreadsheet. Try Excel formula =TEXT(the cell of
gt; the date of payment,quot;mmmquot;) to give you the month, =TEXT(the cell of the date
gt; of payment,quot;yyyyquot;) for the year. Then use these two fields (columns) for the
gt; Column portion of a pivot table. If you ever have the need, you can collapse
gt; all the months of a particular year by double-clicking the year cell in the
gt; pivot table. If you're not familiar with pivot tables, you might want to
gt; take an hour to learn about them. They are extremely valuable tool.
gt; quot;iamdazeyquot; wrote:
gt; gt; Basically, I have a spreadsheet with a list of clients and when they signed
gt; gt; up for their services with my company. Some of them pay monthly and some pay
gt; gt; annually. The company owner wants to see a month by month breakout of the
gt; gt; money we'll have coming in, basically a forecast.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I'm a fairly savvy Excel user, but it's been a while since I've undertaken a
gt; gt; task this complicated, so any suggestions would be extremely valuable.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Thanks everyone!
gt; gt; iamdazey
I would advise you to do all the calculations in one sheet - from what
you have said this may continue beyond 12 months, so you will
accumulate more and more sheets otherwise.
You may then have two or three summary sheets giving you (or your boss)
different views of the data. You can obtain summaries of the income for
all months (or selected months if you prefer) by referencing the data
in the main sheet - you need to have a clearer idea of how you want the
data to look. If you follow my earlier suggestion and have the totals
in the top row of the main sheet, then you would have something like:
to bring the data from cells R1, S1, T1 etc into another sheet. You
will probably also want to bring the month from the header row below
Hope this helps.
PeteThanks for feeding back.
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:40
need help deciding which formulas/format to use