The formula I am working on needs to calculate the following cell ranges and
values. In column CT this is the formula that I am using.
=(C5*$C$3) (D5*$D$3) (E5*$E$3) (F5*$F$3) (G5*$G$3) (H5*$H$3) (I5*$I$3) (J5*$J$3) (K5*$K$3) (L5*$L$3) (M5*$M$3) (N5*$N$3) (O5*$O$3) (P5*$P$3) (Q5*$Q$3) (R5*$R$3) (S5*$S$3) (T5*$T$3) (U5*$U$3) (V5*$V$3) (W5*$W$3) (X5*$X$3) (Y5*$Y$3) (Z5*$Z$3) (AA5*$AA$ 3) (AB5*$AB$3) (AC5*$AC$3) (AD5*$AD$3) (AE5*$AE$3) (AF5*$AF$3) (AG5*$AG$3) (AH5*$AH$3) (AI5*$AI$3) ( AJ5*$AJ$3) (AK5*$AK$3) (AL5*$AL$3) (AM5*$AM$3) (AN 5*$AN$3) (AO5*$AO$3) (AP5*$AP$3) (AQ5*$AQ$3) (AR5* $AR$3) (AS5*$AS$3) (AT5*$AT$3) (AU5*$AU$3) (AV5*$A V$3) (AW5*$AW$3) (AX5*$AX$3) (AY5*$AY$3) (AZ5*$AZ$ 3) (BA5*$BA$3) (BB5*$BB$3) (BC5*$BC$3) (BD5*$BD$3) (BE5*$BE$3) (BF5*$BF$3) (BG5*$BG$3) (BH5*$BH$3) ( BI5*$BI$3) (BJ5*$BJ$3) (BK5*$BK$3) (BL5*$BL$3) (BM 5*$BM$3) (BN5*$BN$3) (BO5*$BO$3) (BP5*$BP$3) (BQ5* $BQ$3) (BR5*$BR$3) (BS5*$BS$3) (BT5*$BT$3) (BU5*$B U$3) (BV5*$BV$3) (BW5*$BW$3) (BX5*$BX$3) (BY5*$BY$ 3) (BZ5*$BZ$3) (CA5*$CA$3) (CB5*$CB$3) (CD5*$CD$3) (CE5*$CE$3) (CF5*$CF$3) (CG5*$CG$3) (CH5*$CH$3) ( CI5*$CI$3) (CJ5*$CJ$3) (CK5*$CK$3) (CL5*$CL$3) (CM 5*$CM$3) (CN5*$CN$3) (CO CO3)....
I get this far and then it stops with an error message quot;formula too longquot;.
Ideally, I would like the range to go all the way to DZ to capture data that
I might need at a future date. Can anyone help me with this????
Adjust to suit
Bob Phillips
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
quot;w1nter11quot; gt; wrote in message
gt; The formula I am working on needs to calculate the following cell ranges
gt; values. In column CT this is the formula that I am using.
=(C5*$C$3) (D5*$D$3) (E5*$E$3) (F5*$F$3) (G5*$G$3) (H5*$H$3) (I5*$I$3) (J5*$
J$3) (K5*$K$3) (L5*$L$3) (M5*$M$3) (N5*$N$3) (O5*$ O$3) (P5*$P$3) (Q5*$Q$3) (
R5*$R$3) (S5*$S$3) (T5*$T$3) (U5*$U$3) (V5*$V$3) ( W5*$W$3) (X5*$X$3) (Y5*$Y$
3) (Z5*$Z$3) (AA5*$AA$3) (AB5*$AB$3) (AC5*$AC$3) ( AD5*$AD$3) (AE5*$AE$3) (AF
5*$AF$3) (AG5*$AG$3) (AH5*$AH$3) (AI5*$AI$3) (AJ5* $AJ$3) (AK5*$AK$3) (AL5*$A
L$3) (AM5*$AM$3) (AN5*$AN$3) (AO5*$AO$3) (AP5*$AP$ 3) (AQ5*$AQ$3) (AR5*$AR$3)
(AS5*$AS$3) (AT5*$AT$3) (AU5*$AU$3) (AV5*$AV$3) ( AW5*$AW$3) (AX5*$AX$3) (AY
5*$AY$3) (AZ5*$AZ$3) (BA5*$BA$3) (BB5*$BB$3) (BC5* $BC$3) (BD5*$BD$3) (BE5*$B
E$3) (BF5*$BF$3) (BG5*$BG$3) (BH5*$BH$3) (BI5*$BI$ 3) (BJ5*$BJ$3) (BK5*$BK$3)
(BL5*$BL$3) (BM5*$BM$3) (BN5*$BN$3) (BO5*$BO$3) ( BP5*$BP$3) (BQ5*$BQ$3) (BR
5*$BR$3) (BS5*$BS$3) (BT5*$BT$3) (BU5*$BU$3) (BV5* $BV$3) (BW5*$BW$3) (BX5*$B
X$3) (BY5*$BY$3) (BZ5*$BZ$3) (CA5*$CA$3) (CB5*$CB$ 3) (CD5*$CD$3) (CE5*$CE$3)
(CF5*$CF$3) (CG5*$CG$3) (CH5*$CH$3) (CI5*$CI$3) ( CJ5*$CJ$3) (CK5*$CK$3) (CL
5*$CL$3) (CM5*$CM$3) (CN5*$CN$3) (CO CO3)....
gt; I get this far and then it stops with an error message quot;formula too longquot;.
gt; Ideally, I would like the range to go all the way to DZ to capture data
gt; I might need at a future date. Can anyone help me with this????
Try this:
quot;w1nter11quot; gt; wrote in message
gt; The formula I am working on needs to calculate the following cell ranges
gt; and
gt; values. In column CT this is the formula that I am using.
gt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
gt; I get this far and then it stops with an error message quot;formula too longquot;.
gt; Ideally, I would like the range to go all the way to DZ to capture data
gt; that
gt; I might need at a future date. Can anyone help me with this????
Excellent!!!--Thanks a lot!!
quot;Bob Phillipsquot; wrote:
gt; =SUMPRODUCT(C5:CN5,$C$3:$CN$3)
gt; Adjust to suit
gt; --
gt; HTH
gt; Bob Phillips
gt; (remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
gt; quot;w1nter11quot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; The formula I am working on needs to calculate the following cell ranges
gt; and
gt; gt; values. In column CT this is the formula that I am using.
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; =(C5*$C$3) (D5*$D$3) (E5*$E$3) (F5*$F$3) (G5*$G$3) (H5*$H$3) (I5*$I$3) (J5*$
gt; J$3) (K5*$K$3) (L5*$L$3) (M5*$M$3) (N5*$N$3) (O5*$ O$3) (P5*$P$3) (Q5*$Q$3) (
gt; R5*$R$3) (S5*$S$3) (T5*$T$3) (U5*$U$3) (V5*$V$3) ( W5*$W$3) (X5*$X$3) (Y5*$Y$
gt; 3) (Z5*$Z$3) (AA5*$AA$3) (AB5*$AB$3) (AC5*$AC$3) ( AD5*$AD$3) (AE5*$AE$3) (AF
gt; 5*$AF$3) (AG5*$AG$3) (AH5*$AH$3) (AI5*$AI$3) (AJ5* $AJ$3) (AK5*$AK$3) (AL5*$A
gt; L$3) (AM5*$AM$3) (AN5*$AN$3) (AO5*$AO$3) (AP5*$AP$ 3) (AQ5*$AQ$3) (AR5*$AR$3)
gt; (AS5*$AS$3) (AT5*$AT$3) (AU5*$AU$3) (AV5*$AV$3) ( AW5*$AW$3) (AX5*$AX$3) (AY
gt; 5*$AY$3) (AZ5*$AZ$3) (BA5*$BA$3) (BB5*$BB$3) (BC5* $BC$3) (BD5*$BD$3) (BE5*$B
gt; E$3) (BF5*$BF$3) (BG5*$BG$3) (BH5*$BH$3) (BI5*$BI$ 3) (BJ5*$BJ$3) (BK5*$BK$3)
gt; (BL5*$BL$3) (BM5*$BM$3) (BN5*$BN$3) (BO5*$BO$3) ( BP5*$BP$3) (BQ5*$BQ$3) (BR
gt; 5*$BR$3) (BS5*$BS$3) (BT5*$BT$3) (BU5*$BU$3) (BV5* $BV$3) (BW5*$BW$3) (BX5*$B
gt; X$3) (BY5*$BY$3) (BZ5*$BZ$3) (CA5*$CA$3) (CB5*$CB$ 3) (CD5*$CD$3) (CE5*$CE$3)
gt; (CF5*$CF$3) (CG5*$CG$3) (CH5*$CH$3) (CI5*$CI$3) ( CJ5*$CJ$3) (CK5*$CK$3) (CL
gt; 5*$CL$3) (CM5*$CM$3) (CN5*$CN$3) (CO CO3)....
gt; gt; I get this far and then it stops with an error message quot;formula too longquot;.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Ideally, I would like the range to go all the way to DZ to capture data
gt; that
gt; gt; I might need at a future date. Can anyone help me with this????
- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:40
formula is too long error