Hiya guys and Gals
I need to make a hole lotta workbooks for work.
Is it possible to have two workbooks and for excel to do this for me.
Let me explain;
What i intend to do is to have one workbook were the user would enter
15 names. What i would then like to do is for it to copy the other work
one for everyname in the list. What i would further need to do would be
to use a find and replace function to find every reference of
default.xls to quot;theNameThatItWasCreatedWithquot;.xls.
Now i am realistic and i don't expect someone to print masses of code
here for me but if you could give me the jist of how this could be
accomplished i would be greatly apprciative.
Kind regards
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- Oct 05 Fri 2007 20:40
Copy Workbook?