hey all. Whats a good effects board for around 200 bucks, I want to get something to replace my 5 year old dying rp300. I mainly use chorus, reverb and distortion, while everyonce in a while ill play with a flanger or phaser, though not as important.

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Ibanez s 470 fm: Green See Through Quilted Finish, with White PUPS: HSH

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I know that the Rev has more gear than everybody on this board but he has not always had it all...any ideas what he was using back on the first album? The tones on quot;Brown Sugarquot; and quot;Just Got Back From Baby'squot; are simply incredible! I know it would have been Pearly Gates and I know all about Pearly but does anybody know what kinds of amps Billy was using that far back to record with? I wish I had the time to woodshead with that record and learn every little note and bend on it...that is some of the best playing and tones ever put down on tape before!

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Hey gang,
On my soundclick page; check out quot;Funky Mosquitoquot;; a funny adlib song about a HUGE bug that landed on my head with adlib vocals, I've received comments that its very Beck-esk. Anyway I've just got back to school a bit ago and I'm now in an independant course for recording Tech. of Audio V; At some point I'll post work from some clients of mine but I want they're permission first of course. Anywho, I'll have an MBox and mixer on loan so I will have a lot of intesreting stuff with a bunch of different singers, etc. for you guys to check out. I try not to post up covers due to the lack of time to contact ASCAP, BMI, publishers, etc. sooo... ok I've just rambled forever.

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I've been working out a finger style version of Stormy Weather as best I remember it ... great tune.
There's a little crunched down movie at from : localhost/if anyone is interested.

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Hopefully you remember our conversation at the UK UGD Evan, as I am a complete gimp, and I forgot the pickups you advised.

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How clean of a tone does this amp deliver? I know that some EL84 equipt amps tend to be darker than others and I was wondering how the Jr. compares. I have a Carvin Vintage 16 right now that I'm using as a base but it's too quot;tweed soundingquot; for my liking. The volume is perfect because with a pedal I can get some fairly good tones going without going deaf but there's a lack of presence due to the amps nature. So I'd like to find a similar watted tube amp to use as a clean base and add pedals to taste. Any info would be helpful. Thanks.

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Alright, my USACG stuff should be coming this week, however I've slacked off and still not ordered my finishing supplies. I plan on buying through reranch.

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Hey guys, does anyone have a clip with his Texas Hots for me? Preferable Rock with Neck amp; Mid, but every clip with those pups is welcome

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A guy at work had his roommate leave an old guitar behind.He knew that I mucked around with them and asked me if I wanted it,(like there was any doubt).
Turns out to be an old solid wood Japanese made classical,so I'll rebuild it for my daughter.I'm going to replace the fretboard and do a marquerty of butterflies and flowers into it.

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