i have listened to langs albums over and over and tried researching google with no results of his present or past gear.i dont want to reproduce his sound,just curious as to what he uses for pedals.i know the guitar is his tele...but what pickups?duncans maybe?
any one?

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i tried p.m.-ing you, but it seems you are a very popular guy. i am in need of a pickup replacement. i need a duncan antiquity II strat rw/ rp. do you have any in stock? (you dont have them listed on your site). please either post on this or p.m. me.

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Im sure this questions has been asked before. If someone could direct me to a thread that answers this I'd be greatful.

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hi, i'm going into the studio again soon, and i need to buy some new pups, so im selling a few i no longer need

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On Sunday, I was asked to join a cool band, which has some members from the best band I was in. The weird part is that I'm replacing both a guitarist and a Hammond B-3 player, who was like the Hendrix of Hammond!

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Hi, I just bought some used pickups this weekend and some I think I know what they are and some I don't. please let me know what you think:
1. a gold cover signed by seth lover and seymour and it has a B on it; I assume it's a seth lover model for the bridge.

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I'm just wondering what would i need to get a 2 wire or 4 wire p/u for a 78 bronco guitar? I'm looking into getting a duncan but am unsure which to get. Any reccommendations? I'm into mostly punk. grunge, and a little tiny but of metal (not much though)

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does anyone know of a decent strat shaped dual humbucker hardtail electric made of alder for under 500 dollars?

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cause the duncan distortion friggin rocks,screams,blazes,crunches like no other,!!!
why in the world did he part from it?

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  • Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
  • WTB

I want a small, portable, digital 4-track recorder. My first choice is a Pandora PXR4, but i will seriously consider something similar from another company. Anyone got one of these they are trying to get rid of?

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