Is the clarity, touch sensitivity, and other single coil characteristics SOLELY a function of the lower output of the pickup or do the extra magnets in buckers also have a tonal effect (other than increasing the output)?

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Whatever this thing is, I just got it yesterday. Made In Japan, all maple.. the body.. neck.. and fretboard. Lovely little guitar! It's a natural relic.. with rusted/faded gold hardware.. missing finish chips.. ect.. Superbly comfortable.. and the humbuckers sound decent, surprisingly! Very clean and articulate tone.. probably from all the maple. The neck is a little wobbly.. I'll have to work not to yank back on it.. as it gives a tremolo effect.. but the original covered cheap-o tuners are very reliable so far.. and that with massive bending of strings and pulling on the neck occasionally.

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I have a black invader bridge, a trem spaced zebra (the screw bobbin in cream, slug is black) custom custom, a zebra jb, standard spaced. I may also still ahve a standard black 59 neck, but I may have sold it... I need some good. I would like some Alnico II pro single coils, preferable an entire set with a RW/RP middle pup. But if you have any SD strat pickups, tell me, I'll consider it. I also could use a pickguard.

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What is the best way to strip a guitar's finish?

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can someone give me as much info as to wat a neck thru neck to body set up is i know wat bolt on and set neck is but im totally confused when it comes to neck thru its even hard to research it

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my brother wants to buy a new fender twin amp that has two 8-ohm speakers in it, wired in parallel, for a total load of 4 ohms ... he expects that he will want to use an extension cabinet with it ... the amp has an external speaker output that is wired in parallel with the main speaker output ... the manual indicates that the amp wants to see a total of 4 ohms and states that the only way to use both outputs at the same time is to use two external cabinets, each at 8 ohms ... this seems to say that you wont be using the two speakers in the amp at all, which seems like a tremendous waste ...

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over the next few months i am going to build a tele with a body and neck from warmoth. I have only had one tele before it had a maple fretboard and have played a few with rose wood. so far I have just about got everything picked out except for the woods to use. I am thinking ash for the body. maple neck with an ebony fretboard just to be alittle different. I'm either putting some duncan antiq's pickups or fender texas specials in it. and was wondering if this would be a good combination or not. Any info or suggestions will help out alot.

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Alright, I have a washburn x50Bamp;R with mohogany body and it is string through body with a push pull coil splitter. what i am looking for is a pickup with alot of chunk and harmonics. I have read a ton of reviews but am really confused. I've think I have narrowed to the JB, Distortion, or Custom. and know I want a 59 in the neck. What pickup would sound good for what i want it for which is metal pretty much exclusively but I would like some versatility. I love lots of low/mid chunk and pinch harmonics just to let you know.

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Hi, I've been interested in the seymour duncan pickup booster pedal. It's exactly what I want to do to my sound. While shopping around, I noticed someone on ebay selling a selling a seymour duncan pickup booster but in extremely small form, made for installing into the guitar. This would be perfect for me, but I've never heard of this and have searched around on and didn't see it. Is this a real seymour duncan pickup booster in mini form or a fake? Is it as good as the regular pedal? Why does it have a jack included with it? Thanks for the help, this is the auction:

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