I have been playing my JV strat with a neck A2 Texas Hot, and the middle and bridge are still the stock JV's Tex Mex's with A5's. This is beginning to develope into what I might call the best of both worlds arrangement. Nice warm bluesy neck tones and singing bright chimey bridge tones.

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Ever since The Gathering came out he's used Dean USA's with Seymour's yet as of recentley with the reunion of the original lineup he's using a black Gibson V with EMG's.

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from : localhost/www.musiciansfriend.com/srs7/...se_pid/517857/

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Here's a cover I did of VH's Panama. It's possibly, technically, the easiest VH song . So I thought it's for me.

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Guys, I have a question for everyone . . .
Which will give me a warmer, thicker tone in the bridge position of my Strat: a Lil 59 pickup or a Cool Rail????

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I'm not interested in playing heavy rythms or anything so i don't need heavy strings. Does anybody here uses .008s and like them?

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I heard he is using a sh-5 custom in his pepto- bismol colored ibanez on intense rock 1 vid?

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I find ths stock QM2 in the bridge really weak and brittle sounding. I want something thats a much thicker as far as the midrange goes more similar to my gibson explorers 500T, but without the treble being as piercing. I want something not stacks of bass, but it has to be tight. I suppose i essentially want a high output PAF-ish sound with a generous serving of mids, something that will cut through for leads. nothing too fizzy.

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Whats your pick for the bridge postion of a PRS Standard 24. Most likely a 59 in the neck.

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Hi everybody.

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