I heard he is using a sh-5 custom in his pepto- bismol colored ibanez on intense rock 1 vid?
that is the best tone he ever got now i know why!
Paul has always been a DiMarzio endorser....
Super D's for the Racer X days and he basically had the Tone Zone created with his input.
he did a seminar at the local music store during that time and announced then that he was joining/starting this new band called quot;mr. Bigquot;...he played along with sev of the rhythm tracks from the upcoming album (addicted to that rush being the one I remember most)...
this was about the time that video was done/released...I sat about 10 feet away from him, and he def had Dimarzios in the pink guitar w/ blue f hole grpahics and the blue guitar w/ pink f-hole graphics......double allen screw poles...also you could tell it was the cheap DiMarzio bobbins...I checked out his axe throughly , LOL
BTW..Paul is a way cool dude, and a monster player...but his tone has always been pretty poor IMO....at least during those times...all pre-amp gain....he had his little ADA MP1 rack and rack effects processor sand a Solid State poweramp with a couple of 1x12 or 2x12s (can't remember) in stereo..
sounded like crap
why is the pup in that one ibanez have the gloss?
the dimarzio stuff is matte black but the pup in this pepto-bismol colored axe has a glossy pup plus it sounds like a duncan not a dimarzio?
and he has a duncan mini bucker at the neck in this guitar as well
here is the pup that is in the neck spot,Yeah, he's a DiMarzio guy. I saw him play with Mr. Big back in 1992. When he and Billy did the solo together for Addicted to that Rush, it was a moment.
He even played the intro to quot;Green Tinted Sixties Mindquot; note for note as you hear it on the CD, it's a backwards track. Freakin' amazing player.
Originally Posted by WICKED LESTERwhy is the pup in that one ibanez have the gloss?
the dimarzio stuff is matte black but the pup in this pepto-bismol colored axe has a glossy pup plus it sounds like a duncan not a dimarzio?
and he has a duncan mini bucker at the neck in this guitar as well
here is the pup that is in the neck spot,Don't know WHAT he has now or in recent years as I got over the shred thing about that time..........some the racer x guitars I know had a mini..but I dont' know which brand...
It was DiMarzio back in the latter days of RacerX and the first Mr. Big album...he talked about having the tonezone created for him (he did not use that name though...unspecified) cause he wanted something fatter than the Super D's....he desribed it as Les Paul-ish...now many years later I hafta laugh...TZ is def NOT LP-ish...
Originally Posted by JeffBDon't know WHAT he has now or in recent years as I got over the shred thing about that time..........some the racer x guitars I know had a mini..but I dont' know which brand...
It was DiMarzio back in the latter days of RacerX and the first Mr. Big album...he talked about having the tonezone created for him (he did not use that name though...unspecified) cause he wanted something fatter than the Super D's....he desribed it as Les Paul-ish...now many years later I hafta laugh...TZ is def NOT LP-ish...Yeah he now uses the TZ and a super D and paf pros as well
but i am pretty sure that on the intence rock 1 video it is all duncan custom
hey dude i sent you a PM about your AIR ZONE
on the intense rock video he definately has a duncan mini in the neck
We had a clinic with Paul back in the late 80's at the music store I worked at...
He was using a JB... mostly in Parallel mode... really articulate, clean amp; clear.
The crunch was mainly from his amps amp; pedals.
Originally Posted by BachToRockWe had a clinic with Paul back in the late 80's at the music store I worked at...
He was using a JB... mostly in Parallel mode... really articulate, clean amp; clear.
The crunch was mainly from his amps amp; pedals.
if you ever heard the tone on quot;INTENSE ROCKquot;
i think you guys would agree it is a duncan custom sh-5 going full tilt
there is NO WAY it is a JB wired parallel,it is too chunky and ballsy
It's a duncan distortion, of that I'm 99% sure!
The tone on the early Racer X albums isn't that great, but on Superheroes he got it together IMO
I saw him at the end of summer and he sounded phenomenal
Originally Posted by nuntiusIt's a duncan distortion, of that I'm 99% sure!
where did you get this info?
Originally Posted by BachToRockWe had a clinic with Paul back in the late 80's at the music store I worked at...
He was using a JB... mostly in Parallel mode... really articulate, clean amp; clear.
The crunch was mainly from his amps amp; pedals.
Yeah he used to do that with super distortions to get a cleaner sound..
Now he puts a mid single coil in with his buckers and uses position 2 and 4 instead if he wants that tone
well all i know is that on this ONE video his tone is pure
SH-5 duncan custom™
application “P.A.F. on steroids” tone. Used for classic rock, heavy rock, funk, punk, Ramp;B, metal and drop-tunings.
description Beefed up Patent Applied For tone for a hard-driving, kickin’ sound with the right balance of power, sustain, and distortion. This pickup cuts through with a distinctive high end and midrange attack. The ceramic magnet and custom coil design give it compressed dynamics, an enhanced harmonic structure, and a punchy bass. Perfect for dropped tunings without “mushing” out. Comes with four-conductor hookup cable.
complete setup Recommended for bridge position. Often a Duncan Custom is paired with an SH-1 ‘59 in the neck for bigger P.A.F. tones in the bridge and vintage-correct P.A.F. tones in the neck.
guitars For balanced and warm instruments. Works especially well with rosewood fingerboards.
Originally Posted by WICKED LESTERwhere did you get this info?
LOL I remembered that wrongly...
Here is your answerThe guy that owns the guitar posts on the Racer X board
A custom dimarzio it seems... although I swear I've heard it's a distortion. Maybe he's on about when he recieved it and not how it was for intense rock? I'll try and find out more for you
Ok the distortion looks like it was in this guitar
And maybe this thing
The neck is definitely a duncan mini as well
I dont know what you guys are talking about, Paul has always been a Dimarzio endorser from day one.
Originally Posted by Kindred_SpiritsI dont know what you guys are talking about, Paul has always been a Dimarzio endorser from day one.
I see a Duncan:
[QUOTE=WICKED LESTER]if you ever heard the tone on quot;INTENSE ROCKquot;
i think you guys would agree it is a duncan custom sh-5 going full tilt
there is NO WAY it is a JB wired parallel,it is too chunky and ballsy
All I can say as he did a Clinic at the store I worked at and we had plenty of time for idle chit chat about music, pickups, tone and such...
He indicated he wired his Bridge and Neck pickups in Parallel to get the cleanest tone out of the instrument without having to use noisy single coils.
I think the words out of Paul's mouth are a bit more valid than some miraculous ability to identify a pickup from listening to a recording?
*goes off to watch the friedman vs gilbert video*
man does paul look like a geek in that spacesuit
- Jan 22 Sat 2011 21:02
I hear PAUL GILBERT used to use the custom in his ibanez?