
See if you can guess what was used on this recording;
Particularly what was used on the guitar solo; and how this was recorded for that matter.

from : localhost/on Hmmmprints

I can´t tell you what you´ve used but thats so spacey..really great..I love this song though.

Great job!!

Thats kinda my music world.

Sounded like a chorus on a very fast setting
Loved the tune man!
Also my kind of music.

All guitar on this was recorded DI; simply with a 1/4quot; to 1/8quot; adapter into a laptop with Steinberg Nuendo on it; Recorded about a year ago; I can't remember the exact settings but;
The lead sound was achieved by doubling the lead;
Applying the Nuendo Rotary plugin, and pitchshifting the double a m3 higher;
And obviously had a large amount of room reverb on it.
I cannot remember the exact settings; but when I get the money to duplicate this effect live I think I may add it as one of my primary lead sounds (well depending on what I'm playing stylisticaly.

i *SO* wanted to jam this tune at the UGD jam, but the stars didnt align that way ... very trippy version - thanks for sharing it


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