
i have been reading the threads on amp building and pedal building. it has sort of sparked my interests. can any of you recomend a good instruction book that would not be too complex for someone who has no idea where to begin. thanks


I've got a really cool book about pedals. It's not really a builder's guide though it does have a few schematics. It'sc

Sorry about last thread. Pressed Enter by acciendent, Oops. Anyway, it's called 'The Practical Guide to Guitar Effects Pedals'. I think it's as much a book just for general interest though. Still worth checking out. It explains a lot of effects, how they work, that sort of stuff.

thanks bud

there's a lot of killer stuff online.


this site has some solid pictorials and a list of good books to check out. hope that helps.

I think the best amp books are the two volumes by Gerald Weber.

For guitar players with limited experience, Dan Torre's book Inside Tube Amps is a good introduction but only a good introduction. Once you get a feel for what's really going on, the Torres book is pretty much like a Kindergarten book. But we all start in Kindergarten so it's still worthwhile as an intro.

Kevin O Conner's amp books are more in depth...but I'd start with the Weber and Torres books if it's all new to you and you're just beginning.


thanks lew, when it comes to electronics i am completely lost. so i gotta start from the begining, i see posts on here by knowlegable members but its like reading latin.

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