this might seem like a wierd question, but im just curious... give me some presets of what u think sounds like an artist (ex. EVH bass:2 Mid:5 Treb:5 and tahts jsut a made up example) jsut wondering what yall have come up with..
What amp?
o anything, im just wantin to mess around with my tone, anything yall have would be great
I've been meaning to ask that for a while now.
It would also be cool to have a simplified version of those settings for some members that have cheap amps with only distortion, tone and volume (speaking for myself of course ).
lol yup, tahts the same as me, thats y i was asking
Kac = (rhythm parts) Bass 8 - Mid 5 - Treble 8
(lead parts) Bass 5 - Mid 8 - Treble 8
Sorry I just use my own tone. ROck On!
rely on your ear, dude =)
seriously..with all the differences in amps, playing style, attack, strings, guitar tone woods and pickups, it's really too complex to come up with bass mids and treble settings to get a signature tone down...
mess around and see what ya come up with!
tone stacks are very different in many amps. Fenders have scooped mids, marshalls have full mids, you never know what your eq knobs will look like in other amps.
To get an artist's approximate guitar sound, you start by using a similar guitar, pickups, and same amp type (or model).
As far as EQ, you're just trying to get your guitar to sound as good as possible.
One thing I do when dialing in amps is to close my eyes while I'm playing and EQ'ing.
I let my ears find the tone, without looking at the numbers above the knobs. Try it.
Gain: 2 o'clock
Bass: 1 o'clock
Treble: 3 o'clock
Presence: 2 o'clock
Works for me
Zep, Bass at 12 o clock, mid all the way or close to it, treble 3 o clock.
- Jan 22 Sat 2011 21:03
amp tones...?