
Hey guys, I got an Invader 7 string for the bridge slot of my ESP not too long ago and I really dig the sound. I'm just not all that thrilled with the lack of punch it seems to have, there's alot of grind and gain to be found, but just not enough sensitivity. Could I be able to remedy this with a change of bobbins? I'm thinkin that if I were to put some allen head bobbins on the side closer to the neck that it would punch it up a notch, or even if I used some flat poles would that make a difference? This isn't that pressing an issue seeing as how I'm satisfied with my tone, but it would be nice to be completely happy.

Thanks in advance for any input.

bumpity bump

I have never tried to mod an Invader like that so I can't say what the results might be.

Has anybody here tried to mod an invader before?

I think you would get something like the DD.
I haave the theory that the Invader is the DD, just with the big bobbins and 3 instead one magnet for a bigger magnet field)
Maybe you could take 2 of them off and look/hear how it sounds.

In my invader since it's the 7 string version it just has one huge ceramic mag, not the 3 like the 6 string version

I'm dying laughing about the woman and short man quote.. The reason is that my buddy is short, and has long hair as do I.. and he always says girls won't give him the time of day because he's short! Good luck on the mod.. I'm not so sure it would help that much to be honest.. I'm not sure what you mean when you say sensativity, but if you mean it's hard to pick softly and then hard and get the pickup to react, you might try just lowering it a bit.. I've found that really strong pickups sometimes sound really cool lowered more than normal.. You'll loose a tad bit of power, but sometimes they sound really sweet when you do this in my experience.. I've been using the Duncan Distortion for years and I've almost always ended up lowering it further than recommended probably because it's already really high in output, and sounds great, but it sounds really sweet when it's just a tad bit lower than normal.. Good luck man!

Originally Posted by SwedeNuckIn my invader since it's the 7 string version it just has one huge ceramic mag, not the 3 like the 6 string version

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