
Hey guys. I was recently given a used Dimebucker by a friend, he had no use for it anymore. I wanted to hear some peoples opinions on it. Is the pickup versatile? Or only good for heavy music styles? I've heard it is a very bright pickup. Would it pair well in a mahogany Ibanez RG? Thanks in advance.

I didnt like it much. Here is my take on it.

It has a buzz saw like distortion to it, over the top treble bite, and couldnt get the thing to clean up even with the volume knob. I personally do not think it was all that versatile. Its great if you want over the top distortion and treble. BTW, I had it in a Jackson JJ1 (Alder body I belive, wraparound bridge, rosewood board. Its not the brightest guitar in the world but, the Dimebucker was too much in my opinion.

If you got it for free, cant beat that. Pop it in and try it out.

Originally Posted by theodieI didnt like it much. Here is my take on it.

It has a buzz saw like distortion to it, over the top treble bite, and couldnt get the thing to clean up even with the volume knob. I personally do not think it was all that versatile. Its great if you want over the top distortion and treble. BTW, I had it in a Jackson JJ1 (Alder body I belive, wraparound bridge, rosewood board. Its not the brightest guitar in the world but, the Dimebucker was too much in my opinion.

If you got it for free, cant beat that. Pop it in and try it out.what amp were you using? and if you were to turn the treble down some on your amp would it make a difference?

I liked it. I didn't keep it in my guitar, but I probably should have.

It's got the best palm mute chunk ever. It isn't as hot as people seem to think. It would clean up better than my DD. It was clear, but yes, it was on the trebly side. it had a great, grinding kind of distortion for rhythm.

This was in the cheap basswood schecter.

I was using 2 different amps. A marshall 2100 run through 4 Vintage 30's and I also have a Traynor YCV40. Cutting the treble does help a bit but not much. I just couldnt get along with it. It is just a HARSH pickup. Actually another member here played it through my stuff also and commented on it sounding like a buzz saw.

i have theodie's dimebucker that i bought off him. if your into high gain metal like pantera and such it does it damn well and it works very very well in drop D IMO. it does have a bit of an edge to it that needs to be tamed but it is also a very articulate pickup that lets you hear each and every note and every mistake lol. with the right amp it can be thick and mean but with an amp that tends to be mid or high end focused (marshall) it will be way too edgy and you'll need to roll down the highs on the amp for sure.


Originally Posted by XSSIVEi have theodie's dimebucker that i bought off him. if your into high gain metal like pantera and such it does it damn well and it works very very well in drop D IMO. it does have a bit of an edge to it that needs to be tamed but it is also a very articulate pickup that lets you hear each and every note and every mistake lol. with the right amp it can be thick and mean but with an amp that tends to be mid or high end focused (marshall) it will be way too edgy and you'll need to roll down the highs on the amp for sure.


that makes sense... when i had it installed, I used a Line6 spider, a fairly crappy amp. Muddy as hell usually... the pickup actually made it clear and the treble pushed past the crappiness of the amp and actually made a bearable sound.

Because I was a moron when I installed it, I thought I needed higher gain so got a DD.

I think it's a great pickup though.


Thanks guys. Any more?

tell us when you get the pickup


bump again

ok well you've bumped a few times i guess i'll say something, though i havent heard the pickup i hear it has an awsome palm muting crunch to it, and sounds really good when your guitar is downtuned, great for heavy metal has high output and so on, nothing you havent read before but i dunno whether youve heard some sound samples or not? ill post some i guess.

from : localhost//forum/ from : localhost/and paste this link if it doesnt work^^^

from : localhost//forum/s...ght=dimebucker

there ya go, tell me if that helps

Thanks alot, the clips really helped

no problem, hope you go for this dimebucker, i cant wait to get mine with the DD man it gonna rock

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