Diezel Einstein
Einstein 50w Head: $2899
Einstein 100w Head: $2999
Einstein 50w 1x12 Combo with Reverb: $3199
Could this 1X12 combo be worth almost 3X was much as an ENGL Screamer 50?? I don't know but I'd sure like to check one out!!
from : localhost/www.diezelamplification.com/d.../einstein.html
LMAO.... Herbert, Einstein.... whats next?
I find that awfully expensive anyway. I'd rather have a Soldano .
the price is rediculous!
Originally Posted by ex-250the price is rediculous!
Then there are a lot of ridiculous amps out there. I'd suggest you check the list price of Bogner XTC
Bogner Uberschall
Soldano SLO
Soldano Decatone
Two Rock (any model)
Fuchs ODS
Marshall Handwired Series
Mesa Road King
It's all relative. Whatever you do, don't check the price of NOS tubes.
We're talkin 1X12 combo here...that just seems insane.
Though I wouldnt mind getting my hands on one of em...
Originally Posted by alecleeThen there are a lot of ridiculous amps out there. I'd suggest you check the list price of
Bogner XTC
Bogner Uberschall
Soldano SLO
Soldano Decatone
Two Rock (any model)
Fuchs ODS
Marshall Handwired Series
Mesa Road King
It's all relative. Whatever you do, don't check the price of NOS tubes.
Or a Dumble... lol.
Or a Mad Professor Amp...
Or a Cornell Plexi 18/20, maybe?
3.2k is a liiiitle bit much on for a combo amp ..
no matter who made it, or if it's p2p or whatever. but to each his own i guess
Originally Posted by Davey3.2k is a liiiitle bit much on for a combo amp ..
no matter who made it, or if it's p2p or whatever. but to each his own i guess
Should a head be worth more? If so, why? All other things being equal, I'd expect a combo to be more expensive than a head if only because the raw material cost is significantly higher. In this case, the combo has reverb where it seems that the heads do not.
Originally Posted by alecleeShould a head be worth more? If so, why? All other things being equal, I'd expect a combo to be more expensive than a head if only because the raw material cost is significantly higher. In this case, the combo has reverb where it seems that the heads do not.
no no.. dont get me wrong
yea, i think the head should be cheaper, cos it's A) in a smaler box and B) doesnt have the speaker etc etcthe thing is.. it's frickin EXPENCIVE!
Isn't it pretty easy for a Matchless combo to exceed this price? Dr.Z also....
I am actually thinking of buying this thing but I'd much more gung-ho if this was 3 channels versus two. I'd also expect the footswitch to allow boost and maybe a gain stage. I was ready to buy a Engl Screamer 50 which I think is a great little amp for its price. Maybe I need to pull the trigger on the Engl right now so I am not so tempted when the Einstein becomes available!
I was thinking this combo and a 1X12 Diezel cab would be an absolute killer portable rig! Smaller than my VHT head and a 2X12 cab.
Originally Posted by RGNIsn't it pretty easy for a Matchless combo to exceed this price? Dr.Z also....
Yeah, the Matchless stuff easily lists for gt;3K.
The most expensive Dr Z stuff is 1900 unless you start doing upgrades like hardwoood fronts and Celestion Blues.
if you got the money and if you got some more.. can you buy me a 50W JCM800 master volume 1x12 combo?
There's a lot of crazy expensive stuff out there in booteek land: $4K amps, $10K guitars, $600 stompboxes. It's all worth it to somebody else the builders wouldn't be in business. I tend to buy used and don't get too exotic by boutique standards. If you buy used (and booteek owner tend to keep things in very good shape), you're not spending that much more than for new Marshall or Mesa.
Keep in mind that a lot of those numbers thrown about are list prices, not street prices. Markup on a lot of boutique gear isn't the typical 50%, though.
It's as much about how we choose to allocate our $$$ as how much money we have. My buddy has more money tied up in his vintage Mustang than I have in all my gear put together. He makes his choices, I make mine. As long as we meet our respective financial obligations, nobody's wrong.
yah, that's true =)
but right now.. a 3.2k combo is just .. wow .. it better make me ice cream too LOL
The Diezel amps are sold strickly for list price (like Mesa) but they discount the cabs a bit. There are some big profits in the heads ($1500 ) but each dealer can't pickup the phone and say quot;Send me 10 Herberts dude.. I need them next weekquot;. They get very few pieces and most of the hot gear is gone within hours. I was talking to a local Bogner dealer about a 4X12 cab he had coming in UPS. I called Friday afternoon (about 3:30PM) and he said he was expecting it at 5-5:30 on the late UPS truck. I forgot to call late Friday but got in my car to be there when then opened at 10:00am Saturday-- SOLD late Friday night, check back in two weeks, another cab is on order
Think that's pricey? Go shopping for a Trainwreck...
I'd rather have one of Bob Bradshaw's combo amps since they are the same format. That is a lot of money and lot of it is labor (most likely).
I'd rather have a Bogner combo or an SLO
The head's 1750 euro and the combo is around 2300 euro here in europe. I guess we're pretty lucky they make them here, because if it's as good as it's older brothers, casa Neeradj might have one this summer
- Jan 22 Sat 2011 21:03
Ultimate High-Gain Combo?? PICS