
ok i am buying a 8-track digital recorder and some question is for my Condenser i need to purchase phantom power for them or can i just plug them right into the recorder and use them? the mics i plan on getting are MXL990 and MXL991... if neone could help me out i would be very greatful..

First of all, please move this to the Tips and Clips forum.

Anyway, it depends on whether or not your recording unit has it or not. If you're getting something like a Tascam or Alesis rackmount unit, then I doubt it will have it. If you're getting one of those all-in-one units with a mixing console built in, then it could have phantom power on at least a few of the channels.

Let us know what deck you're getting and we'll go from there.

btw, you can't quot;buyquot; phantom power per se - it comes as a feature on mixing consoles and mic preamps.

sorry...i really have no idea how to move the thread... i am getting a Fostex MR8HD's a 8-track all in one recorder w/ a 40 GB hard drive on it... so it should power my mics....

If the Fostex has phantom power for the mic inputs then you're safe. My Yamaha only has phantom power available to inputs 1-2.

If it doesn't have phantom power you can usually put a battery in some condensors to power them, usually a single AA.

from : localhost/MR8 has phantom power on all four inputs.

Originally Posted by ratherdashingbtw, you can't quot;buyquot; phantom power per se - it comes as a feature on mixing consoles and mic preamps.

Actually you can... look here ... though I think it would be better to buy a small mixer with phantom power (that's what I did)


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