...messuring D.C Resistance?
My dad has the right tool thing to do it, but I don't know how. I want to know what the resistance of the stock pickups on my raptor are.
Take the meter, switch it to ohms and touch the ground lead to ground and the positive lead to the positive on the pickup then read whats on the meter.
English theodie, english!
and would that require me taking the pickguard off??
Yes . . . taking the pickguard off, and isolating the quot;hotquot; wire. You can do this by holding the black lead against the rim of the output jack, and the red lead to the connection on the selector switch. But make sure you have that pickup de-selected. That is, if you're measuring the neck pup, select bridge only, and vice-versa. That way you won't measure anything else in the circuit.
Originally Posted by Nite_Maresz_25English theodie, english!
and would that require me taking the pickguard off??
Sounded very logical and self explainatory to me. Do you understand english?
well sorry theodie =/, And thanks artie for your explaination which was easier for me to read than theodie's. And I guess I don't read YOUR english theodie
Arlight I just got done messuring the resistance of all my pickups.
they are
(just thought I'd let you know)
I did exactly what you said artie and it worked.
thanks artie for the explantion(and thanks for trying theodie )
- Jan 22 Sat 2011 21:03
How does one go about.....