well, the tex mex ones are pretty cool, but they leave me wanting something more
I'm planning to rewire the 5 way so it goes bridge - bridge amp; neck - neck amp; middle - middle, and, well, here's what I'm looking for
bridge - well, more output, tad more bottom, i guess basically more guts, but i'd still like to be able to roll back for some twang, I'm thinking quarter pounder?
neck - warm, good cleans, enough output too keep up with the bridge. right now it's just a BIT muddy but putting in a no load tone pot should brighten it up...and make the bridge a little nastier now that i think about it
bridge amp; neck - distorted; think social distortion's rythm sound, but a little more mean sounding
middle - more glassy straty cleans
middle amp; neck - bluesy as hell, think john mayer a la crossroads, warm, round, but with some glassy teeth to it
so what kinda pickups should i go for?
How about a Vintage 54 rhythm (STR-1) in the neck, then a Vintage Staggered (SSL-1) in the middle, and a tapped Quarter-Pounder (STL-3) in the bridge. Set the 5 way up so you get it like this
2-Bridge and Middle
3-Bridge and Neck
4-Neck and Middle
put a push pull on the tapped QP to gain use of the tap, and forget the no load tone pot.
Or you could try something that is noiseless...
Bridge-Little 59 for Tele
Neck-Vintage Tele stack
The down side to this set up is no tap on the bridge pickup...I like tapped bridge pickups, you might not....either way there are 2 pretty good set ups, you could also do it with some XSSIVE style
Bridge-Hot Rails for Tele
neck-Vintage Mini Bucker
hm, well I'm installing a hot rail today, so we'll see
right now its just kinda sounding like my other guitar with more definition in the lows amp; less in the highs
- Jan 22 Sat 2011 21:03
duncaning up my nashville