This is my humble attempt at playing over a neoclassical powermetal track.
All the tracks are the Miracle Man except for the sweeps, which are the Irish Tour.
Setup was:
TOC guitar (Gaijic neck) with Miracle Man/Irish Tour combo gt; HBE Dos Mos gt; HBE Big D gt; Rivera Knucklehead 1/2 stack gt; THD Hot Plate gt; BLUE The Ball mic.
from : localhost/
Hey, that's the backing off the Petrucci forum
You did a good job. A few of the sweeps could have been cleaner though
thats a pretty cool tone! interesting lookin guitar. i liked all of it, i just thought the last note was strange. how long have you been playin?
Rip on, Ben!
That owned.
4 year olds should not have that kind of gear ... nor those chops
Thanx, all!
Originally Posted by slash857
how long have you been playin?
Longer than you've been alive! June 2005 made 22 years.
Excellent work! I heard nothing in there that I myself could play. :P
Thanx, Tom!
Some good playing there mate
Those pickups sound awesome, altho the MM is probably too high output for anything I'm ever likely to play
The tone was ok, but it's not quite as good as my 'Old man Rock' tone
You're just jealous of The God Tone!
Dude..that rocks!! I love this clip.
Rawk on!
great job. congartulations on achieving that level of playing.
That backing track is actually from Total Guitar magazine. I have the one with it on, and so I know the original thing played over it.
Yours was very cool. Enough said.
Originally Posted by TwilightOdysseyYou're just jealous of The God Tone!
I never knew you was a Superman fan mate
Loved the tone, loved the content, loved it all.
awesome stuff you should play more songs like the style reminds me of lynch,
vai, vinnie moore, and tony that stuff...(I cant play any of it....yet)
rock on and keep it coming chris
Thanx, StrangeSound, shredaholic, darkshadow, Robbiedbee, and SG Stewie!!
I forgot to ask:
Is it possible to use the power attenuator (THD Hot Plate) with a combo?
- Jan 22 Sat 2011 21:03