I need help. My hotrails pup sounds exactly like the stock pup i had before. The only difference is that the hammer-on/ pull-off is slightly better. I have this pup on a Squire Strat Affinity Series on the bridge. i also have the stock pups on the neck and middle. Someone please HELP!
what amp are you playing through? When if irst got my hotrial in my bridge i thoughtthey soudned the same as well, but soon i realized how wrong i was. Perhaps your ears have yet to develope that tone sensitive touch? Im not offending you in anyways but in reality some people say all guitars sound alike, most people in here will beg to differ. There are a first few things you should or eventually will notice:
No hum
Your palm mutes will sound alot heavier adn thicker
The output should be alot more, and even when your on clean it should dirty up very easily by hitting the strings harder.
keep in mind a pickup laone will not make your strat sound like zakk wylde, there are so many factors to include such as:
Guitar!!!! Tone Woods
Picks even!
Everything contributes to your own sound and of course your own playing style will have an effetc on the way your tone sounds.
Sorry to be a bit frank and harsh but thats the truth.
It's okay i don't trip. Thanx man. I am playing through the Fender amp that came with the package (I bought the Strat Pack), and I am using the Boss ME-50 FX Modulator. Is the amp effecting the pup's potential or are my ears decieving me? Well, thanx again and I'm going to try to notice the everything you told me to.
- Jan 22 Sat 2011 21:03
Shr-1 Hotrails Help