
Here's one of those weird ideas I come up with occasionally. Just wanted to bounce it off some forum members (and probably have it kicked back hard to enough to black me out ).

A Jazz/Jazz combo... for metal. I mean, I've been considering pickups, and have sort of settled on EMGs, but this idea occured. I've always liked the idea of having the amp do all the work, rather than having a pickup quot;meant for metalquot; as well. The description says it's clean and precise, for fast runs, and I've heard people say that it stands up well under heavy distortion, for that exact reason. So am I insane?

Go to the Tips amp; Clips section and look for JOLLY's posts. There's some clips of the Jazz/Jazz combo in a Les Paul from him. Absolutely killer. It's not a weird idea at all. I've thought about it myself after hearing those clips.

Judging from your reaction there I take it you found

Uh, yeah, I found em. Just recovered the power of typing. Wow.


Not all of it's to my taste, but that's just from what's being played musically, not the sound. Some of those heavier power chords. Wow. Stuff EMGs, I'm gonna get a Jazz combo

If I can just swallow the interference problem that passives have

megadeth seems to like em
the JB/jazz will do metal with ease
from : localhost//forum/

i know many a metal head playing the JB

It appears from the site that the Jazz isn't available in trembucker spacing. What's up with that?

I wouldn't worry about the tremspacing too much. As much as it would be nice to have the poles line up with the strings, the sound difference is very very small and barely audible. On the other hand, one might be available through special order.

Ok then.... I probably won't worry if it's not that audible.

The combo sounds great, all in all. I've just got to finish convincing myself that I don't need a battery smoking, amp burning set of pickups to play metal

I guess the only other thing I wonder is how it would do for shred-type stuff. I'd assume that because its meant to be so clear/defined that it'd do that quite well.

Originally Posted by SpiderVenomOk then.... I probably won't worry if it's not that audible.

The combo sounds great, all in all. I've just got to finish convincing myself that I don't need a battery smoking, amp burning set of pickups to play metal
I know what you mean. The hottest I go is 14.4k (Custom Custom) and it doesn't feel like a hot pickup. Metal is more than the pickups. It actually starts with the amp. If you got a Fender Twin, you ain't gonna be able to play metal but take the same guitar and plug it in to a Marshall or Mesa Boogie or Bogner or Splawn, now you're talkin'. Doesn't matter what you have for pickups at that point.

Since the Jazz is so clear and articulate, it is perfect to shred metal.

Thanks for the feedback. At the moment, I've got a piddly Squier Strat and Fender Frontman But I've got a decent budget for my next guitar, and I'll probably get a Fender Metalhead (MH-500) for an amp, and judging by reviews of that, it'd make my squier sound metal, let alone the Jazz pickups.

Sounds like this combo might be the thing for me. Thanks for all the info.

Originally Posted by SpiderVenomUh, yeah, I found em. Just recovered the power of typing. Wow.


Not all of it's to my taste, but that's just from what's being played musically, not the sound. Some of those heavier power chords. Wow. Stuff EMGs, I'm gonna get a Jazz combo

If I can just swallow the interference problem that passives have

Just remember that you won't automatically get that sound with the Jazz. Jolly's playing technique probably has more to do with the sound than the Jazz pickup, so ask him about it. I haven't talked to him it all about it, so I'm just guessing, but it may be that he uses a heavy pick and heavy strings and hits the strings in a certain spot/way/angle/etc.

This is what often happens when you hear somebody playing with a sound you dig -- they are often using gear that you would least suspect for the sound they're getting. But they are able to get that sound because they hear potential in that gear that we don't because they have a touch and a playing technique that brings that potential out. (I've said it a million times but it bears repeating -- your pick is the most under-rated gear of all time. And that goes 10 times over for your picking technique.)

If Jolly was playing through Seths, Customs, Burstbuckers, Fralins or DiMarzios, while there would undeniably be subtle differences (that wouldn't seem at all subtle to him), overall he would probably sound pretty much the same. For every question you ask about his gear, ask three more questions about his pick and picking technique.

Originally Posted by ZhangliqunJust remember that you won't automatically get that sound with the Jazz. Jolly's playing technique probably has more to do with the sound than the Jazz pickup, so ask him about it. I haven't talked to him it all about it, so I'm just guessing, but it may be that he uses a heavy pick and heavy strings and hits the strings in a certain spot/way/angle/etc.

This is what often happens when you hear somebody playing with a sound you dig -- they are often using gear that you would least suspect for the sound they're getting. But they are able to get that sound because they hear potential in that gear that we don't because they have a touch and a playing technique that brings that potential out. (I've said it a million times but it bears repeating -- your pick is the most under-rated gear of all time. And that goes 10 times over for your picking technique.)

If Jolly was playing through Seths, Customs, Burstbuckers, Fralins or DiMarzios, while there would undeniably be subtle differences (that wouldn't seem at all subtle to him), overall he would probably sound pretty much the same. For every question you ask about his gear, ask three more questions about his pick and picking technique.

Good points. I always forget those.

Also, try an Alnico 8 in the Jazz. It's the only magnet that will beef up the tone without making it harsher.

Originally Posted by ZhangliqunJust remember that you won't automatically get that sound with the Jazz. Jolly's playing technique probably has more to do with the sound than the Jazz pickup, so ask him about it. I haven't talked to him it all about it, so I'm just guessing, but it may be that he uses a heavy pick and heavy strings and hits the strings in a certain spot/way/angle/etc.

I don't expect to get quot;that soundquot;, as such, but the clips do prove you can play heavier stuff with a Jazz, which is what I wanted to know.

However, if he uses heavy strings to achieve that, that's a different issue... I'm a die-hard user of 10's.

Originally Posted by ZhangliqunAlso, try an Alnico 8 in the Jazz. It's the only magnet that will beef up the tone without making it harsher.

Hey Zang this was MY idea ! ( after playing Super 70 )
I will try with the Demon now quot; Demon 8 quot; scary !!!

Well, I asked JOLLY, and he uses 9-42s, so string size shouldn't be a factor in obtaining the sound I want.

All in all, I have a good feeling about the Jazz/Jazz combo. My only question is this: should I have Warmoth angle the bridge route to line up the outer pole pieces, given I'll be using a floyd?

Originally Posted by SpiderVenomWell, I asked JOLLY, and he uses 9-42s, so string size shouldn't be a factor in obtaining the sound I want.

All in all, I have a good feeling about the Jazz/Jazz combo. My only question is this: should I have Warmoth angle the bridge route to line up the outer pole pieces, given I'll be using a floyd?

I don't see why not. That would cool too.

Don't forget your 8 beers and pint of whisky. That makes all the difference.

I have a Jazz bridge on my Am Std strat, and the poles are still under the strings, and I don't notice any difference between regular and tremspaced.

The Jazz bridge has a nice balanced and tight sound, and if it sounds brighter than what you're used to, just roll the tone back to 8. The best thing about the pickup is it's clear and punchy tone, which works great on clean or gain.

I like the Jazz/2 Surfers I have on that strat, but I still think a great combo for rock/metal is a Custom 5/Jazz. It's similar to a Jazz or 59, but has a bit more power behind the sound, and bigger bass.

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