As many i like basses on the C5 but think that it could have more mids with being overwound between 15 to 16 k .
The only thing is i afraid that the already big basses of the C5 could be mushy and the resonnace peak could fall to low and the pickup would then loose good definition for clarity and fast pick attack .

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Since i have had my pod xt i havnt been able to convert midi into wav. can any1 help me? Are there any programs avavliable that will just change from midi to wav without having to record?

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I got my humbucker wired to a mnin switch for series/split/parallel. I get all three just fine the problem is. I get hum in some positions of the guitar, I mean straight up, on my knee, up side down, etc. Its really wierd. When I have it on me, just like everyone has it on. I get hum, but when I have it pointing straight up, the neck. No hum at all. I've changed the angle on the guitar and I get hum on some and none on others. I really don't know whats the problem so I opend it up and checked and double checked. I shielded everything that had to do with the humbucker with shrinking tubing and it reduced the hum just a little. But I still get it. I don't know if its that its too close to the pot or to the switch. I do have it grounded and everything around it its grounded to. But I still get that stupid hum. When I play it in clean I get some but its nothing, when I have it in dirty its like I just want to throw the guitar at the amp. Its like this. The humbucker to the on/on/on for the breaking part. Then to the on/on for the positioning. From there to the vol pot and to the 5 way switch. Can anyone help me.

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My WD pickup rings are just a tad bigger/wider than the stock Gibson pickup rings. Now my store has to order them from Gibson and they said they don't know how long it will take, knowing Gibson. Just frustrating is all and had to vent. I was changing them to cream from black on my tobacco burst LP, so now I'll have to leave the black one's on for now.

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Sorry, another wiring question (great first post i know!)

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im working on custmizing one of my old guitars, the first one i ever got. this is the first time ive tinkered with anything on a guitar so need some help with choosing pick ups and the wiring. i want to put a set of seymour duncan pick ups on it cause everone says their good that i talked to. i was wonder if i purchased a seynour duncan pick up does it come with the volumne knob tone knob and all the wiring. im asking this caus ei looked at some emg pick ups and they come with all that stuf and some other stuff as well and im not sure if semour duncan pick ups come with all that stuf to or if i need to purchase it seperately.

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ok i still havent gotten my new set up yet (DDn split/Dimebucker) but i noticed that they both use ceramic magnets and im wondering, should i still make different settings on my amp for when i use each individual pickup or will it sound fine either way?.. like the same distorted sound for each pickup, and the same clean sound for each pickup.

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I have a habit of anchoring my pinky on the pickguard of my guitar all the time. My new guitar teacher has told me i should never anchor it at all and to just use my arm on top of my guitar for balance..Is it better never to anchor your pinky on the guitar?

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Like in Strats and Teles?

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I found a song i recorded rigth after christmas time, featuring me on fretless bass (i just got it when i recorded this, i had no skills at the moment), guitar and keyboards

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