
Sorry, another wiring question (great first post i know!)

Anyways, i recently purchased a new humbucker which has 4 conductor wire, and a push pull pot for my Epiphone Les Paul , my goal being to enable coil splitting on the neck pickup.

I wired it pretty much exactly the same as shown on the seymour duncan schematics and various other ones i found on the net....and it worked....


Every time a string is plucked (doesnt matter if it is fretted or not) the is a buzzing noise above the note. Only occurs when you play a note, and lasts a fraction of a second after the noise ceases.

I then tried various other trial and error methods, even just wiring the pickup straight to the output jack, but that same buzz was still there.

THEN, i tried wiring the other pickup (which only has 2 wires, and i've never had any troubles with it) to the output jack, and even that pickup had the same buzzing whence a string is plucked.

I know the answer to my problem will be simple, but i just dont know what im doing wrong

Everything was (to my knowledge) grounded correctly.....i wired the pickup to the output jack (hot to the hot connection, negative to the ground wire), then wired the grounding wire from the bridge to the negative point.......

MUCHLY appreciated if you can help of course, throw anything at me, it all helps.

And by the way, the wiring on the 4 wire pickup is:
*Green with bare - Ground
* Black - hot
* Red and white - use for coil tapping on one of the bottom lugs of the push pull pot (apparently)

Let me know where i have gone wrong please!
Am i only sposed to use 2 of the 6 lugs on the bottom of the push pull pot? (1 for the red and white wires, and another for the grounding)

Also, where do you ground on a push pull pot? i was using the side of the pot , kinda.....
boy i need help!

Can you post a schematic of exactly what you have done, for instance, are all the grounds wired together, or do you have a plate that all the controls are grounded to?
The split on the push pull pot is simple, solder the red and white wires to the centre lug on one side of the pot switch and solder the ground connection to one of the lugs on the same side of the pot switch. When you push (or pull), the red/white will be connected to ground cutting out one coil. If you don't like the position of the knob, then change the ground wire to the other END on the same side as the red/white wire. If you solder the ground to the other side of the switch, then nothing will happen (the connections are only per side ie the centre terminal of the three on one side connects alternately with the two terminals at either end of it on the same side.
As for the buzz, have you disconnected anything else and have you tried the direct jack to pickup connection to another amp using another cable just to check?

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