I found a song i recorded rigth after christmas time, featuring me on fretless bass (i just got it when i recorded this, i had no skills at the moment), guitar and keyboards
I've called the song quot;The feeling of distrustquot;, well, it's pretty self explainatory what the songs about .
Before listening, READ THIS:
This tune was written and recorded in ONE HOUR, in my bedroom, with a POS soundcard, at 4:00 in the morning!
I was tired as ****, my fingers were frozen and i only did one take on most of the stuff, but i tried to get it finished before going to school, so that i could have something to show off .
Keep that in mind, i know that my playing sucks here, but i like the melody .
from : localhost/used a Ibanez RD-500 fretless bass straigth into soundcard, a Ibanez RG270DX with really old strings trough a Digitech RP-100 into soundcard, the drums and piano were played\programmed on a casio keyboard.
This was done in a hurry, i'll try to make a better verision of it one day .
Thanks to my friend Alex here in norway to let me upload the song on his server
Anyway, enjoy!
(sorry about all the complaining and silly excuses, but i just don't want you to think that this is the best i can do )
Well, if you don't want to listen, thats cool
Thats pretty sweet Erland. Of course, the recording needs some massaging, but the playing and the content are great. Sometimes its hard to believe that you're 14. Keep it up . . . keep on practicing. That was cool.
Thanks Artie !
Oh yeah..I dig it. I love the combination piano plus guitar (some forum bro´s know what I mean )
Again, very nice work!
I enjoyed that man!
That was lots of fun! Your playing isn't bad by any means, big E. Actually, I'm reading back to your post, and... you played all the instruments? That F*ing rocks!
Well, thanks alot everyone!
Yes, i played everything that you can hear, except the drums, which i programmed using the quot;variationquot; buttons on the keyboard .
Sorry for the Fretless parts beeing so much out of tune, i only did one take, and i focused on the timing and expression rather than the pitch . Also, you can imagine, playing fretless with wobbly hands at 4 in the morning can be pretty hard .
Anyway, thanks alot for the nice words guys! I appreciate it .
Way cool...Thanks Erlend. I couldn't tell the bass was out of tune on my small computer speakers.
- Jan 22 Sat 2011 21:02
I have a tune for you, hope you like it!