Since i have had my pod xt i havnt been able to convert midi into wav. can any1 help me? Are there any programs avavliable that will just change from midi to wav without having to record?
sorry, i only know how to do it by recording 'what you hear'
try tucows ... or google
good luck
Go to and seacrh for a midi to wav. converter there is
some freeware you can download.
from : localhost/;q=free midi to wav.
Its important that you understand that a midi file is just a sequence of commands, used to trigger a musical instrument. Like the roll of paper on a player-piano. That musical instrument might be a chip on your soundcard, or a software-synth in some software. Each one of those quot;instrumentsquot; will produce different sounds out of the same midi file. Like placing the roll of paper on different pianos, but even more so.
midi to wav on the podxt? the podxt only uses midi for control changes, and not much else...what are you trying to do?
- Jan 22 Sat 2011 21:02
xt-Midi to Wav help...