As many i like basses on the C5 but think that it could have more mids with being overwound between 15 to 16 k .
The only thing is i afraid that the already big basses of the C5 could be mushy and the resonnace peak could fall to low and the pickup would then loose good definition for clarity and fast pick attack .
So i thought of a C5 wounded at 16 k with two rows of screws , one with regular screws toward the bridge and one with allen screws toward the neck like the Screaming Demon .
Do you think it would be the ideal bridge pickup ?
Somebody in here had a C5 wound in the mid-15's at User Group Day back in April. He was looking pretty much what you're looking for and he says it really worked out great.
I'm the one with the overwound C-5, which I made at UGD. Last year, when we had the Forum Chatroom, Seymour was on there answering questions. I told him that the C-5 was my favorite bridge humbucker, but what could be done to enhance it's mids a little? He said quot;just overwind it a bit.quot;
When I assembled my UGD pickup, the coils measured 15.3 instead of the regular 14.4.
I think the reason why Seymour decided to make the Customs 14.4 is because they begin to compress slightly beyond that point. I don't think I'd want more compression on a CC, but the C-5 and Custom will still sound good.
To my ears, the 15.3 Custom 5 is about as perfect as a hot humbucker can be. It still has the C-5's tight low end, and the mids and highs are in between the C-5 and JB. The top compresses just slightly, so it's still wide open sounding but is a little creamier on the high notes. I don't think it would be a good idea to wind it past 15.4, because then it will lose clarity and it's hot vintage quality.
I think a Custom Shop overwound C-5 would be $150 I got lucky and got mine for free, but that was a one time deal.
- Jan 22 Sat 2011 21:02
A variation of an owerwound C5