the title says it all. will it be too muddy with 250k vol and tone pots?

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Found this over on HC

software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

from : localhost/ i can say is that it went for $1000 a few weeks ago and it didn't make reserve. Now it's got one more day and it's a no reserve one.

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I know Gibson used these quite often in the '70s with SGs, and many people still love them. What do you guys think? I would like feedback from actual users who have played both the angled pocket and the straight pocket- compare and contrast please. No rumours! Thanks!

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What pickups do you like that come stock? I'm not referring to guitars come stock with Duncans or Dimarzios et. al, but pickups made by the companies that make the guitar.

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Just curious for those of you who bit the balsewood and made the $450 car payment, or for that matter have played with it, what do you think? Worth the cash? Good tone? Still use it?

software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Give it to me guys.

software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Alright, I'm sorry if all this has been covered before, I actually know it has, but never in a way that i could actually understand... Sorry, I'm a bit slow. This was never adequately explained to me.

software 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ok i just got my fender noiseless pickups in the mail and i have a problem. I in general know what im doin but its like theres extra parts that arnt even on the wiring diagram. I have a resister that isnt even pictured anywhere and a tooth looking thing called an inductiance that is also not pictured. If anyone can give me some input or a place to get the correct wiring diagram that would be a big help. Thanks.

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I have a genuine Floyd Rose I bought through Carvin about 5 years ago. I have never installed it and I have all the original mounting posts and bushings with a variety of lock nuts. I was looking for a Strat replacement neck in return.
what color is it? and how much would you like to sell it straight out for?

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